Neutering aid for 1 cat in Kuantan (Salmiah bt Mat Arof’s)

We have sponsored RM100 for the castration of Koko. According to the receipt, Koko received treatment for his injuries and was also castrated.

From: Salmiah Mat arof
Date: 2015-09-21 12:06 GMT+08:00
Subject: Re: Pemandulan Kucing.
To: Chan Kah Yein <>

Saya ingin memohon bantuan pemandulan.
Saya telah menjumpai kucing jalanan. Ia seekor kucing jantan, ia dalam keadaan teruk. lalu saya merawat serta mandulkan dia, dan juga memeliharanya.  Besama ini saya sertakan gambar sebelum dan selepas.
salmiah mat arof sept 21






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