We have sponsored RM100 for the spaying of Comat.
From: rufaidah othman
Date: Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 1:34 PM
Subject: Proof of neutering
To: “Dr. Chan” <chankahyein@gmail.com>Good day Dr. Chan Kah Yein,
Please refer below for the short story about the cat.About 5 years ago, a cat came near my house and I suspected she was a stray cat because she often begged for food. I cannot stand that she was so thin so I had decided to give her food whenever she was hungry. Eventually, she has somewhat been a permanent resident in the house. Since then, she had been pregnant twice. I have finally decided to neuter her so that I can save some budget on their food. Furthermore, I am still a student and my budget is always restricted. I am so thankful that I have found ‘Animalcare’ from the Internet. With this organization, the future of this cat will be more secured.