Our greatest hope: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/rabbies-expert-goes-to-putrajaya-to-seek-green-light-on-penang-vaccination
Well-known veterinarian Dr Luke Gamble will meet the Department of Veterinary Services DVS) in Putrajaya today to present his organisation’s Mission Rabies mass vaccination programme to fight the epidemic in Malaysia.
If the green light is given, Penang will within the next six months become a pilot project for Mission Rabies, and be an international flagship for zoonotic disease control and humane dog population management.
The project would see WVS come in – without charge – with 40,000 sponsored vaccines approved by the veterinary department, and help set up and support a team of 150 to 200 people, who would go around Penang catching stray dogs to vaccinate, mark and release.
The goal is to cover the whole of Penang and vaccinate 70% of the state’s dog population to achieve herd immunity to curb the spread of rabies in a six to eight-week operation, and maintain the vaccinated population at that level for three straight years.
– See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/rabbies-expert-goes-to-putrajaya-to-seek-green-light-on-penang-vaccination#sthash.IarQjiYB.dpuf
Thank you very much, Dr Gamble!
He said science proved that the best strategy in eliminating rabies was “irrefutably by vaccinating”. He said culling had huge disadvantages including taking out good dogs that protect a community and create a vacuum in that area, where other and perhaps more dangerous dogs would move into. The movement of dogs, he said, could cause the disease to spread to dogs in other areas.
– See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/rabbies-expert-goes-to-putrajaya-to-seek-green-light-on-penang-vaccination#sthash.IarQjiYB.dpuf
Over the last two weeks, animal welfare NGO’s have repeatedly said this but it has fallen on deaf ears and cold hearts.
Dr Gamble presented the state government with the mass vaccination option when he met Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng at Komtar yesterday for a two-hour meeting, which was also attended by DVS officials from Putrajaya and Penang. Lim said the state was open to mass vaccination but because vaccines were unavailable and time was needed to get DVS’s approval, the mass culling had to proceed.
Please stop the killing, Mr Lim. It doesn’t work and might make matters worse. These innocent dogs and puppies do not deserve to die.
We pray very hard that Putrajaya will accept Dr Gamble and WVS’s offer to help and the senseless killing can finally stop.