Neutering aid for 5 dogs and 1 cat in Cheras (Cash Thong Seiw Ling’s)

We have fully sponsored RM630 for the spaying of 4 female dogs (RM480), the castration of 1 male dog (RM100) and the castration of 1 male cat (RM50).

Mdm Thong sent the following photos and descriptions:

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Dr Chan,this two puppy after spaying n have marking,ada orang adopt but also put back near the house area there,everyday have give food n take care.Thank You


This cat l jumpa near the depan bank when small size,now cukup bulan boleh spaying,is male,after spaying cari sayang fia punya orang adopt,thank you

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Dr Chan,this two puppy l tangkap di cheras,hari ini sudah spaying n have marking,monday l will take from klinik after put the same place,Thank You

cash thong Oct 7

 Dr Chan, This puppy sudah spaying.







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