We have fully sponsored RM70 for the castration of this male cat.
Date: Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 10:28 AM
Subject: Request for subsidy for neutering
To: “Dr. CHAN KAH YEIN” <chankahyein@gmail.com>Hi Dr. Chan,
Good morning to you.
I would like to request for subsidy for the neutering cost of this cat if there is fund available.
This is his story :
He was found at an apartment car park in Nilai. His right leg was broken and the bone was exposed as the wound was open and the flesh was raw. He had been dragging the broken dangling leg when he had to move.
Needless to say we didn’t have the heart to leave him behind.
His broken leg had to be amputated very high at his thigh as the exposed bone had dried up.
He has a gentle temperament and would make a great pet if he can be adopted. We won’t be releasing him to the street as there are two packs of feral dogs in our neighborhood.
Thank you for your consideration for the neutering aid. The forms will be mailed this morning.
Tan Leng Hock
SPCA receipt no. : 249963