Neutering aid for 1 dog in Seremban (Sanusi b. Bajuri’s)

We have sponsored RM150 for the spaying of Cindy.

From: Sanusi
Date: Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 9:33 AM
Subject: Subsidy for Spaying Female Dog after Treatment for Injury Inflicted by Resident.

Dr Chan,

Everyday, this stray dog will wait for me by the roadside on my route leaving my house. I always carry food for her in my car and stopped to feed her.  I missed her for 3 days, she did not show-up. When she turned-up later, I noticed she was limping badly. I stopped and examined her legs. Both her legs were with deep slash wounds.

I then sent her for treatment at the vet clinic and asked the vet to spay her as well when he felt the dog was ready for spay operation. She was warded for 18 days. Her right hind leg was still bad and she just lifts the leg when walking. I think she has to suffer the injury for the rest of her life limping. Very sad.






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