Sewing PPE’s for our frontliners

Dear Friends,

I have just joined a group in Subang area that is sewing PPE’s for our frontliners.


1  A sewing machine and must be able to sew.

2  Be able to collect materials from centre in Subang Jaya.

3  To comply with strict safety protocols on hygiene:

(a) Anyone having any fever/flu/cough/breathing difficulty, has travelled within 14 days, close contact with positive cases, MUST NOT JOIN THIS PROJECT.
(b) For volunteer preparation:
As Covid 19 can be asymptomatic, we shall assume each and every one of us is Covid 19 positive.
Before coming to the centre to collect materials/start doing it at home:
Volunteers should wash his/her hair and have a good shower.
Dry yourself and IMMEDIATELY put on a face mask.
Then put on clean clothes.
(c) During production (cutting and/or sewing):
Wash your hands with soap properly before start.
Face mask should be put on all the time.
Minimize talking during production.

If you would like to volunteer, please email me at and I will add you to the whatsapp group.

Thank you.





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