Thank you very much (July 2020 donors)

It’s time to thank everyone for their support!

This month’s neutering aid:
Number of animals: 21 (10 dogs and 11 cats)  
Amount paid out: RM2500.00
Recipients of the Neutering Aid:

This month’s vaccination aid:
Number of animals: 11 (4 dogs, 7 cats)
Amount paid out: RM275.00
Recipients of the Vaccination Aid:

This month’s Petfood Donation to shelters and CNRMers: RM14,833.77
Recipients of the Food Aid:

We know that times are bad for everyone, but if you are able to spare some cash and would like to donate to help out, we deeply appreciate your generosity.

Let us thank our donors who have given so generously to our Fund this month.

This month’s donors:
In memory of Max & Zen, from Carol Chong
In memory of Orca, from Ahmad Amir Kamil
In memory of Mr Chan Kam Loon, from his family
Anonymous donors
Ahmad Amir Kamil
Amelia Shahrin
Avant Pet Sdn Bhd
Cho Fung Kin
Freya, Theia & Tito
Jennifer Balagut
Joy Saga & Komala
Julia Chong, Premala Narendra, Irene Leong
Khoo Ming-Yi
Kok Khee Wee
Kwan Pei Kuan
Lee Cheng Tao
Michael David Bowe
NandaLeonie Hong Siew Lan
Nujtiya Chareansouk
Nurtasya Aqilah
Sia Jee Kei
Tan Lai Fun
The Greystokes
Wan Tai Seng
Wong Chin Kuan





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