We rescued Perky from the pound in 2009 and she almost did not make it. She was neutered in Bentong along with the other dogs at the safehouse over there, but she was bleeding after the vet left, so we brought her back and I pressed on her wound throughout the journey to stop the bleeding. PAWS offered to let her stay but they told me she might not make it through the night.
But she did!! True to the name I gave her – Perky!!
And subsequently, dear Mei Leng adopted Perky to be companions to her pet rabbits in early 2010.
Mei Leng often sends photos and here’s the latest!!
Perky is now 12-13 years old and going strong!!
Hi Perky!!! Stay strong and stay well!
Thank you so much for taking care of Perky, Mei Leng!!