Once again, thank you so much for supporting our work with your generous donations and well wishes. We are very grateful.
This month’s Neutering Aid:
Number of animals: 2 dogs
Amount paid out: RM500 (inclusive of extra sponsorship)
Recipients of the Neutering Aid: https://animalcare.my/category/aid-neuter/
This month’s Medical and Vaccination aid:
Number of animals: nil
Amount paid out: nil
Recipients of the Medical and Vaccination Aid: https://animalcare.my/category/aid-vacc-med/
This month’s Food Aid: RM5,196.54
Recipients of the Food Aid: https://animalcare.my/category/aid-food/
The breakdown:
Imm’s Shelter: RM1,103.68
Survivor Shelter: RM1,550.25
Uncle Lee’s Dogs: RM2,542.61
If you’d like to support our work to help street animals, we truly appreciate your kind donation very much.
This month’s donors
For Bravo and in memory of Chief & Lulu from Chow Yi Lin
Anonymous donors
Donors from Boost
Ahmad Amir Kamil
Avant Pet Sdn Bhd
Bunny’s Place & Ginger’s Catio
Ho Yuen Foon
Jennifer Sigismond
Judy Chua
Khoo Ming-Yi
Kok Khee Wee
Kwan Pei Kuan
Lee Chooi Wan
Mary Yap Mie Ling
Mong Looi
NandaLeonie Hong Siew Lan
Sia Jee Kei
Tan Lai Fun
Tan Tay Thye
Than Foong
Wan Tai Seng
Wong Chin Kuan
Wong Yoke Mei