Food Aid to Survivor Shelter

Donors: In loving memory of Bunny from his family, anonymous donors, Ahmad Amir Kamil, Avant Pet Sdn Bhd, Bunny’s Place & Ginger’s Catio, Khoo Ming-Yi, Kok Khee Wee, Kwan Pei Kuan, Mong Looi, NandaLeonie Hong Siew Lan, Tan Lai Fun, Tan Tay Thye, Wan Tai Seng, Wong Chin Kuan, AnimalCare donors (reserve fund).

The petfood:

Alps Chunky 1230g canned food for dogs
– Lamb – 10 boxes
– Turkey – 10 boxes

Ms Ong conveys her thanks to all donors for the canned food for her dogs.

This photo was sent by Avant Pet’s driver who delivered the canned food today. The bags of Alps Natural dog treats are not from us, but from Avant Pet, free of charge, for the dogs.

Ms Ong also thanks Avant Pet for the dog treats. They are Alps Natural dog treats packed into Vitalplus bags. There is a total of 1200 units of dog treats.

We thank Avant Pet very much for the free delivery to the shelter despite the untarred and narrow roads and the precarious bridge. This order of 20 boxes of canned food is for Bernard, Lucky and the older dogs who prefer canned food. We understand that older animals can become choosy.

There are now 48 dogs at Survivor Shelter.

For those who missed this latest rescued dog at Survivor’s, there the story:

Ms Ong has just taken in an old dog, aged 12 years, named Lucky, who had belonged to a family. According to Ms Ong,  Lucky had been kept in a cage for his entire life by his family. As a puppy, they wanted him, but now that he was old, they did not want him anymore (still living in the cage). So a rescuer took him away a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, Lucky is terrified of thunder and loud noises and made a lot of noise which might disturb the neighbours, so the rescuer wanted to have him put down.

Ms Ong heard about Lucky and felt very sorry for the poor boy, so she offered to take him in. Lucky arrived at Survivor’s on 19th February. Ms Ong has cordoned off an area to build a separate enclosure for Lucky as he is quite fierce. Lucky also has heartworm disease and is currently on medication. Hopefully with love and caring, Lucky will mellow down in time.

Ms Ong also wishes to thank of AnimalCare’s donors for the food aid thus far. According to her, it is because of this food aid that she is able to save up some money now and is able to take Lucky in and build the enclosure.

This is Lucky.

Lucky spent 12 years living in this tiny cage.

Taking Lucky away from his cage to the rescuer’s home a few weeks ago.

This is Lucky’s arrival at Survivor’s. He had to be tranquilised to be transported here.

Lucky slept through the whole day and only fully woke up the next day. The effect from the tranquiliser dart was quite significant. Lucky also has heartworm disease and is currently on medication.

May you live out your natural life now, in a bigger space, with people who love and care for you, Lucky.
Thank you so much, Ms Ong!

The next dog due to arrive was arranged by a friend of Ms Ong’s. It is a rescued dog. The friend rescued the dog and collected some donations without asking Ms Ong first, which is quite unfortunate. Sympathising with the dog who had nowhere to go, Ms Ong accepted the dog along with the collected donations but she has informed her friend to please not do such things again in future. At least ask for permission first (we totally agree). Ms Ong told us about this incident because she wanted to be very transparent about the number of dogs and donations received. Normally, she does not get donations. Ms Ong says she will use these donations to buy dog kibble for March, so if she has enough, we would not need to donate any kibble. We truly appreciate her transparency and honesty.

An update on 27th Feb 2023: The above dog is currently being fostered and has not been sent to Survivor’s. 

Ms Ong is also now doing two jobs. One at her burger stall but business isn’t so good in this rainy season. She has taken up another job working as a chef at an eatery at a mall. So she is practically working all the time now, with barely a few hours for sleep each day. In the morning until afternoon, she works at the mall. In the evening until past midnight, she works at her burger stall. But preparation of the burger meat has to begin very early in the morning.

There is also a possibility that the shelter would have to move to another location in 2 years’ time since the owner has indicated that they want back the land. In view of this, Ms Ong is saving up as much money as she can to build a new shelter for her dogs when the move happens. Hence, the two jobs.

Below are photos taken on 8th February 2023 when Ms Ong visited her dogs at her shelter. As always, they are overjoyed to see her.

We have assured Ms Ong that we will continue helping with food as long as we have excess funds each month as long as our policies requirements are met. It so happened that in our conversation we talked about food and I found out that her dogs actually like canned food very much. Hence, this food aid consists purely of canned food.

We truly salute Ms Ong for all her efforts and dedication to her dogs.







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