This is the first time ever that there are no neutering claims for cats in an entire month! But we are glad we managed to help 13 dogs.
We are still waiting for Selangor state to launch TNRM to replace catch-and-kill. After the survey with promising results from the community, after the forum, we do wonder when it would be launched. Soon, hopefully.
Meanwhile, as we’ve always said, there is no time like the present. Our work has to continue. Whether the state launches it or not, or when they do it, there are animals to be saved and neutered. Even if you can save just one and get them neutered and look after them for life, you have prevented hundreds of street births and given that one animal a much better life.
Nurturing Kindness, One Animal at a Time.
This month’s Neutering Aid:
Number of animals: 13 dogs
Amount paid out: RM2,780.00 (inclusive of extra sponsorship)
Recipients of the Neutering Aid:
This month’s Medical & Vaccination Aid:
Number of animals: 2 dogs + 1 cat
Amount paid out: RM75.00
Recipients of the Medical & Vaccination Aid:
This month’s Food Aid: RM3,852.26
Recipients of the Food Aid:
The breakdown:
Uncle Lee’s Dogs: RM1,250.74
Survivor Shelter: RM1,291.88
Imm’s Shelter: RM1,309.64
If you’d like to support our work to help street animals, our bank account details are below, we truly appreciate your kind donation very much.
This month’s donors
IMO Wolf from Chow Yi Lin
An anonymous donor
Donors from Boost
Donors from TnG
Alvin Ng Shen Ming (from TnG)
Avant Pet Sdn Bhd
Bunny’s Place & Ginger’s Catio
Kerry Khoo Seng Kim
Khoo Ming-Yi
Kok Khee Wee
Mong Looi
NandaLeonie Hong Siew Lan
SY Ng, Tan & Associates
Tan Lai Fun
Tan Tay Thye
Wan Tai Seng
Wong Chin Kuan