A sharing of a dry FIP cat case, Putin (treated with Molnupiravir)

I met a friend sometime ago and I saw her with a very sickly-looking cat. She had just rescued that cat that very day and was going to take the cat to the vet’s.

Today has been more than 4 months since that day, and I met her again and casually asked about that cat.

As it turned out, the cat had (still has) FIP.

A long story cut short, the cat, named Putin, is showing signs of recovery now, and my friend opted not to use GS441524. Instead, she used a medicine from India.

Now, this is really new news to me! So I urged her to allow me to share her story and some of the details. She agreed, but only as a sharing and I must put in a disclaimer.

So I’m going to do that right now!

Disclaimer: This article and the articles that follow are only meant as a sharing of barefoot experiential knowledge. The intention of sharing is to encourage other caregivers not to give up with their sickly rescued animals. These articles are not meant to provide any professional veterinary advice nor information about the efficacy or suitability of any medicine.  

Now, let’s carry on with the story:

Putin was rescued sometime in June this year. He was found to be very sickly and could not even walk properly. I saw him that day and can attest to how sickly he looked. Fast forwarding, he was diagnosed with dry FIP with ocular and neurological symptoms. His AG ratio was 0.3 at the time.

Photo taken on 19th June 2023, two days after being rescued.

Video taken on 20th June 2023.

My friend got him treated at the vet’s with various types of medicine for the symptoms. She knew about GS and its good record in treating FIP but she could not afford it. GS, available as an injectable and an oral drug, is very expensive.

Soon after, she found out about this drug from India which she could buy from Taobao. It is called Molnupiravir. It is actually a Covid-19 drug for humans: https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/therapies/antivirals-including-antibody-products/molnupiravir/

This is the drug from India.

My friend started Putin on Molnupiravir on 18th August 2023. Putin was also given Himalaya’s Biopure as a liver protectant, Himalaya’s Neftrotec for kidney stones, Methycobal for nerves and Haemomaxx for improve his blood PCV.

Putin started to show improvement!

7th September 2023 – 21 days after starting on Molnupiravir.

After 22 days.

7th October 2023 – 51 days after. The best news is the AG ratio has improved to 0.5.

But there were some side effects:

Balding of the belly and kidney stones.

After giving him Royal Canin’s Urinary S/O, his urinary condition improved.

This shows the well-formed kidney stones.

But the improvement, in my friend’s own words are:

The cat got “cendol” flu problem before meds, now no more “cendol” and no more nebulizer👍🏻. Appetite increase. From 3kg, become 4kg now. 

Putin was having very bad flu and a runny nose which my friend describes as “cendol flu”. Now, the flu is all gone. Putin has gained weight.

We are eagerly awaiting more good news once Putin finishes the medicine on the 84th day.

We hope for the best news!

Last but not least, I thank my friend very much for her willingness to share this information. Our disclaimer holds. The purpose of sharing is that we now know there is another more affordable drug available, besides GS 441524. There may be pet parents who find GS too pricey. Now they need not feel helpless anymore. There is Molnupiravir too.

However, please consult your vet on the suitability of the drugs for your cat. My friend consulted her vet before using it.






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