Thank you so much for the top-up!!

Last month, we wrote to our regular donors to explain that the cost of “everything” has gone up. Vet fees have gone up and we have increased our neutering aid. We also introduced our medical aid to help out with newly-rescued animals. The cost of pet food has also increased several times now. This takes a toll on all caregivers and we are aware of this.

We also started extending our food aid to street animals, particularly the Balakong Street Dogs where JoTong and Uncle Wong do exemplary CNRM work. It is indeed a daunting task for them to feed 150 dogs daily. On top of that, they have to foot the bill for all the extra medical needs even though we offer our neutering aid to them.

So, we explained that if our donors have some cash to spare, any extra donations would be so, so much appreciated and valued.

We are so happy that two of our donors have responded generously now! Thank you so much.

We also wrote to benefactors who had previously supported us. We asked if they would like to support our work again. A few did respond positively too. So, thank you so much for this!

As you know, AnimalCare is supported by individuals, mostly friends and one corporation, Avant Pet Sdn Bhd whose bosses are also my dear friends. While we are so thankful for the support from these friendships, we still need to source for new support. Some friends have now retired and understandably, cannot support us as much as before anymore.

So to all our readers, if you would like to support our work monetarily, any amount would be much appreciated. For example, RM10 a month, if it comes from a large volume of readers, would amount to a lot too!

We were toying with the idea of RM1 per day, which will come up to RM30 a month. But let’s just keep it lower at RM10 per month. If we have 100 people doing it, that would be RM1000 extra every month and wow, we can definitely help so many more animals and their caregivers with this!!

Thank you in advance!





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