My friend’s recent reptilian encounter (her cats saved her life)

When we told our part-time cleaner about our reptilian encounter, coincidentally, she said the house that she cleaned the day before in USJ11 also had a reptilian issue. She was so jittery.

Oh my…it’s the hot weather that’s drawing them out, isn’t it? They need to find cooler places.

Now, another one of my friends also had a recent encounter and hers is a scary one.

But, believe it or not, her three cats saved her life.

She lives in an area where there are cobras and pythons. It’s also in Subang Jaya.

One night, she returned home and saw a “rope”-like thing on her back patio. It was dark, but she saw that her three cats had surrounded the “rope”. She went nearer and realised it was a cobra and at the same time, the cobra had already raised its head at her. She screamed for her life (I mean, who wouldn’t, right?). But two of her cats were already circling the cobra and one was head-on with it, staring it right in the face, just one foot away (this is her male cat who is a snake-killer, he has killed two before). Another cat was also nearby watching.

Then, the cobra slithered away.

Of course she called Bomba and she received the same reply as I did. They took 30 minutes to arrive and by the time they did, they could not find the reptile anymore.

But Bomba did tell her that cobras are naturally afraid of cats because cats are their natural predators.

So, her cats saved her life that night.

For those people who say that cobras are attracted to houses with cats, I hope you would please reconsider your thoughts because by saying such in a public domain, it might cause people to just abandon their cats at shelters or throw their cats out.

In fact, it is actually not even true, according to Bomba.

Cobras do not eat cats. They eat insects, toads and frogs, I was told. I actually don’t know what they eat, so best to ask Google.

But they are a venomous reptile, so if we accidentally disturb them, they will react in self-defense by stinging, and their sting can be fatal.

So, please beware since it’s the hot season. There have been many cases already.

This morning, I bought face shields for our security guards. The monocled cobra is also known as the spitting cobra. They spit venom at the attacker’s faces. There had already been two cases before mine. And there will be more in my neighbourhood because of the big trees in the park which are breeding grounds for them. When they lay eggs, it could be as many as 30 in all. So as my friend told me, if there is one, you can be sure there will be more.

This is just a random photo from Google. But that’s no random cat. He is definitely someone’s best friend!







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