Neutering aid for 3 cats in Kluang (Yu Bee Kian’s)

We have provided a full sponsorship of RM450 for the neutering of these 3 female cats.

Ms Yu Bee Kian is a new applicant who communicated with us months ago. According to her, she has rescued many cats and she houses them at home. She used her own money to get them neutered but she is in financial need now, hence, she heard about our aid and decided to apply to us.

She also gives medical treatment to any sick cats whom she rescues.

She is assisted by an elderly uncle by the name of Cheng Pet Sing who helps her clean the cat house. Please scroll down for a video sent by Ms Yu.

Ms Yu had earlier had 2 cats neutered but she forgot to ask the vet to ear-notch them so these could not be claimed.

These are the present 3 cats, all ear-notched.





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