We have provided a full sponsorship for RM450 for the neutering of these 3 cats.
Ms Yu does her CNRM work with Mr Cheng Pet Sing. Her cats are all housed in a rented house (specially for the cats). It used to her father’s house, but he has since passed away. Mr Cheng goes in daily to clean up the house and the cats’ litter. Ms Yu also visits daily to feed the cats and she spends almost all day there on weekends. We do understand that in certain areas, neutered animals just cannot be released back to their colony so to keep them safe, they have to be housed indoors.
Ms Yu has more than 60 cats in this rented house and we are helping her neuter those who have not been neutered. She has done about half of them using her own money. There are also other expenses for medical treatment of these cats which she covers on her own.
The three newly-neutered cats:
Updates on the previously-claimed cats: