Nomi’s updates (Day 11) – back to the clinic

Nomi is back in the clinic for hospitalisation now.

Ms Yim and I thought it was time to take a back seat with Nomi and Miao’s cases since it’s already been so many days now. I do have other cases to handle too, some of which we do not publish to respect the privacy of the people who request for assistance. We only publish cases that we help with monetary aid, or any useful sharing but with the consent of the people who share when we think the sharing will benefit caregivers and their animals. Apart from this, a lot goes on behind the scenes, which we do not publish. I spend hours at the computer just responding to emails calling for help.

So by this afternoon since there was no update on Nomi, I had to ask if Aline had sent Nomi’s wound photo to the vet. We had reminded them to send the daily photos and again, Ms Yim had reminded them this morning.

The photo was not sent. It looks like they had not seen our messages, but Aline immediately sent a photo then (and this is after the application for the iodine and gel) and the clinic forwarded it to the vet (who was on her day off). The vet immediately said the wound looks worse this afternoon. So Aline decided to take Nomi back to the clinic for a proper cleaning and evaluation and they had decided to board Nomi at the vet’s until the wound completely heals.

Good decision.

These are the before-after photos of Nomi’s wound.

On the left, photo taken this afternoon after I asked for an update from Nicholas and Aline. But you cannot really tell if the “pus” is the iodine mixed with the Metrogyl gel.  On the right, after two vets collaboratively cleaned up the wound.

Nomi is now boarded at the clinic until full recovery of the wound. Aline and Nicholas will pay for this since it is their decision to board Nomi .

We had already given a total of RM3347.00 for Nomi’s diaphragmatic hernia repair and hospitalisation, so our aid stops there. But we will continue to help in other non-monetary ways if our help is needed.

This is Nomi this morning. She is alert and everything looked fine. But we must remember that cats have an extremely high threshold for pain, so whenever in doubt, always check with the vet.

Get well soon, Nomi.





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