Reiki to help end-of-life crossing over for Ah Fur (a sharing by So Eileen)

Here is another sharing from So Eileen. It is about her elderly cat, Ah Fur.

By the way, Ah Fur is the cat whose story we published earlier about her sporo and breast cancer. She was definitely a survivor! Her sporo journey is at the bottom of this post (re-publishing)

This is Ah Fur’s crossing-over story:

When Ah Fur was nearing her end, we sent her to the vet for 5 days. During her stay, I asked Daniel to reiki her. She actually wanted to come home to me. She knew her time was up then and she wanted to cross over at her home by my side. She was not eating at all at the vet. So after feedback from Daniel, I took her back. She ate and drank like normal for days before crossing over, pain free and suffering free. She was “108 years old” (she had been with us for 22+ years) when she crossed over last year.

Ah Fur had 3 reiki sessions from Daniel when she was getting ready to transition over.

At times when a pet starts to reject medication, this will help their body get ready to cross over. If one force feeds them with medication, this will prolong their suffering and pain when they are ready to cross over.  I learn this through Reiki healing and have come to accept this now.

Ah Fur passed away in October 2023. She would have been 23 years old in December that year. 

What diet was Ah Fur on? 

Ah Fur had Royal Canin kibble for adult neutered indoor cats. Nothing else. Caku, Yin Yong and Ah Fur were on dry kibble all their lives. Only for 7 chai (our dog), my sister feeds her home-cooked chicken and minced pork as her meals.

This is Ah Fur’s sporo and breast cancer journey:

Ah Fur was diagnosed with sporo and breast cancer with a big lump on one of her breast (all at the same time). At that time, she was 12 years of age. The vet suggested operation to remove the lump from her breast and we did go ahead with the surgery. As for her sporo, she was given medication to be applied topically and taken orally for 3 months as the vet said her sporo was quite serious at the time of diagnosis. We went ahead with the surgery and removed the tumor from her breast and giving her the sporo medication daily too.
Upon bringing her to the vet for her follow up check up, the vet confirmed that there were another new growth of tumor on another side of her breast and it was not big enough yet to required another round of surgery. That was when I was introduced to this TCM by one of my mum’s gym friend that it can cure and heal any tumor, skin cancer and esp sporo in animals as she have the same experienced in treating her dog that was infected with sporo.
So I decided to give this a try and this was how I gave my cat the TCM remedies:-
– I would apply topically 1 to 2 capsule of the TCM (open up the capsule to allow the powder to get into the open skin (nana) affected by sporo, on a daily basis, two to three times per day. Then I would mix another capsule to be added into her daily meal (liquid wet cat food) once per day to treat her tumor and her breast cancer as well.
After 2 weeks of the TCM treatment (both oral and tropical applications), the skin that was infected by sporo had completely dried up and closed up with tiny weeny new furs growing. After the 3rd week, her fur had completely grown back like normal and we bought her back to the vet for another round of check up and also to check the breast cancer tumour. The doc was surprised by the complete healing of the sporo and later on, the test results shown that no new tumour and cancer cells were detected on the affected breast. My cat was given a total clean bill of heart. She was with us until late last year (108 years old in terms of human age) before crossing over the rainbow bridge.






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