Our very own homegrown MY Bee Savior

If you find a group of bees and do not know what to do, please call MY Bee Savior, they will advise and possibly relocate the hive safely for you, thus, saving the bees.

I’ve recommended them to an acquaintance before too.

Their website: https://mybeesavior.org/lets-save-the-bees/

Their contact number: +60 19-664 8081

Please watch this video: https://youtu.be/V6Td4bfYKvA

Respect the bees; not only because our lives depend on them, but simply because they deserve to live. This earth belongs to them too.

What happens if bees became extinct: https://justbeehoney.co.uk/blogs/just-bee-honey-blog/what-would-happen-if-all-bees-died






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