Updates on Grey (from Lee Soo Farng)

Photos and news on Grey!

For the very, very first time last night, Grey used the litter box for big business! Soo Farng was totally overjoyed!

But it was short-lived joy….

This morning, it was back to pooping outside the litter box again. Still, last night was a huge achievement.

Work in progress, it’s okay.

Soo Farng told me she’s getting better at expressing Grey’s urine too. Practice makes perfect!

Grey is moving so much better now!!

Soo Farng diligently feeds Grey his TCM and Methycobal.

Nice work, Soo Farng!!  Grey is a very lucky cat!

For new readers: Grey was a street kitten found dragging his hind legs on the tar road. His legs had been injured sometime ago through an accident at the automatic gate of one of the houses. Soo Farng asked if we could help in the treatment and we agreed. So we raised funds for a package of 5 physiotherapy treatments, 3 acupuncture and TCM treatments and the initial consultation at the vet’s.






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