Month: September 2024
Where Gerald is happiest
Gerald is happiest where he is free. I was out for my walk this morning and Gerald decided to follow me, so I took him to the park where he would be safe. But after two rounds, I saw Socks stalking him. So, to the rescue! At other times, Gerald sleeps under our car in…
One tiny little girl up against “the world” (Juno’s adventure)
Juno loves coming to this door as she is very curious about the Monsters. That’s Lynx, Smurfy, Rey and Ginger – all heavyweights!! If I were to open the door, little Juno will step out. I’m pretty sure the Monsters will not harm or bully her as it’s the cats’ code to only pick on…
Vaccination aid for 2 cats in Shah Alam (Jefinar Noor bt Jasin’s) & Updates
We have provided an aid of RM50 for the 2nd vaccinations of these 2 cats, Ai Lee and Ah Chong. We also provided aid for their neutering on 17th Sep 2024. Updated photos of both cats are below. Feeding Ai Lee, Ah Chong and other street cats on the street in front of Ms Jefinar’s…
Juno uses the big girl litter box!
Juno is really smart. She has discovered the big girl litter box in the downstairs bathroom and she knows how to use it. I am very sure she can graduate to Cat’s Best Smart Pellet litter and I’ve already added some to her own baby litter box. The Blondies had a hard time with their…
Gerald’s updates (finishes antibiotics)
Gerald comes back to eat at least three times a day. He has been really good ever since he was released; he doesn’t yowl at all. He just meows when he comes back for food, and in the morning, he doesn’t even mew until he knows I’m coming out to the porch with food. Creamy…
Updates on Grey (from Lee Soo Farng)
Backstory: Grey was a street kitten and rescued when Soo Farng noticed he was dragging his hind legs on the road. The injury was due to being caught in the automatic gate of someone’s house. We raised funds to sponsor a package of 5 physiotherapy sessions, 3 acupuncture and TCM treatments and the initial consultation…
Juno’s playtimes
Here’s Juno’s daily schedule nowadays: 7.30am – Breakfast Playtime! 12noon – Lunch Playtime! Forced nap 4pm – Tea time Playtime! 8pm – Supper Playtime! Forced sleep She gets a lot of playtime nowadays and she’s very active too. The playtime also helps to work up an appetite and she eats more. We also cannot confine…
Juno meets Ginger
At her tender young age, Juno doesn’t fear anything at all. There was once where she almost went out to the forbidden Ginger’s Catio! Ginger’s Catio is a place where no other cat dares to tread, but that didn’t stop Juno. Luckily we caught her in time. Here’s Juno trying to make friends with the…
Nomi and Miao!
Here are Nomi and Miao’s latest photos! Miao enjoying an afternoon nap. Nomi, as cute as ever! Backstory: Miao and Nomi are mother-and-daughter, both diagnosed with diaphragmatic hernia and needed urgent surgery. We raised funds for both their surgeries, which were successful. Both are doing well now and adopted by their caregivers.
Juno zooms around and graduates to a bigger bowl
Juno is now very skilful at escaping out from her den through this gap between the black tray and side of the cabinet. Peek-a-boo! Tabs and Riley play with her. That’s Riley playing with Juno. She zooms around a lot, curious of everything. Juno has graduated to a bigger food bowl now! After more than…
A breakthrough with Lizzie
We are now able to go quite near to Lizzie. She trusts us. She even licks our hand, with or without the offer of food. Lizzie is such a sweet dog. I’ve suggested to the adopter to place a collar with his contact details on Lizzie.
Can Creamy and Gerald get along in the porch?
Creamy is here for his raw food. While Lizzie is here for her cat canned food! Creamy is friends with Lizzie. Inter-species friendship there. But Creamy is still not friends with Gerald yet. Sigh… Why, oh why? It’s all about the relationship dynamics.
Kai’s turn to sneeze
Despite fortifying them with Vetri DMG, now it’s Kai’s turn to sneeze. I already heard sneezing last night but wasn’t sure who it was. This morning, I found that it was Kai. But it’s mild, like Indra’s. Indra has already stopped sneezing. Now, it’s Kai. So I’ve given her Cetirizine (1/2 tab) and all three…
Lizzie comes…and eats!
Just as I thought we wouldn’t have to feed Lizzie anymore when I went out to clean her water bowls and she came. She looked hungry. For the past three days, she merely sniffed at the roast chicken and went off without eating. The potential adopter said yesterday, he started feeding her boiled chicken feet.…
Lizzie’s updates and reflections on CNRM
Lizzie hasn’t been eating our food for about three days now. I just checked with the potential adopter and he said he started feeding her yesterday. So, Ops Lizzie has been handed over to him now. We will just put out a big bowl of water for her a few times a day. Just as…