Last Thursday, my friend lost her cat. Must have been during the dreadul fireworks. Her cat just dashed out.
After two days, she asked me for the contacts of animal communicators. I have a compiled list and I sent it to her.
Then, I suddenly remembered a reiki teacher I was in touch with many years ago who had helped me once. We’ve lost touch now, so I contacted a few friends to get his contact number. Luckily, I managed to get it.
My reiki-teacher friend said he would try, but there are no guarantees and it is not something he has practised in. I asked if he could find the location of the missing animal, he said he could try, but the problem is, the animal cannot name the location and even if the animal could, by the time the owner gets there, the animal could have moved away.
So I asked if he could advise the animal to go home. He said he could try that too.
So I passed his contact to my friend.
This morning, my friend said her cat has returned home!!!!
She’s home!! Ashley is home!
According to my friend, the reiki teacher told her Ashley would return in 1-2 days’ time and that she was at the location of some terrace houses.
At the same time, I also sent my friend the methods I’ve compiled over the years:
So, my friend did the telepathic road map for Ashley, and voila….Ashley came home this morning following the map which leads to her back catio!! My friend saw her returning when she was hanging out her clothes!
You just got to try all methods when your beloved pet goes missing, right?
I would!
Here is my friend’s account, in her own words:
Thursday, 30/1/25 was just an ordinary day when Ashley suddenly dashed out of the front door late afternoon. I let her be as she’s used to the outside compound and would return after half hour. But by evening there was no sign of her at all til Friday. Alerted through the neighborhood WhatsApp group and I went round calling her but alas total silent….no sight nor sound. Next morning, I asked Kah Yein for any animal communicator she had known. Wow, she has the list! After a few names she asked me to contact a reiki practitioner. He asked for a photo and details of Ashley which I provided. Then he asked me to affirm a few details, one of which is that she’s stubborn. She definitely is a stubborn girl! He said Ashley was in an area of terrace houses and believed that she’ll be back in a day or two. So I figured that the nearest terrace houses were behind my house across the road! Gosh she crossed the road and the houses there have nightly bangs. Knowing roughly where she was I started telephatic road map for her return and how much I love her. Alas, Tuesday morning I heard a rustle of leaves and there she was coming from the map direction I sent her which lead to the back catio. Phew, I’m so elated and a big thank you for those who had helped us both!
There are still eight more days of CNY. Be careful tomorrow night as it’s the Hokkien festival of Bai Tian Gong. Firecrackers at around midnight and the next morning is the normal practice. Then, there’s 12th February, the 15th day of CNY, Chap Goh Mei. Firecrackers and fireworks again. Then, we can all heave a sigh of relief that finally, CNY is over.
But this is Malaysia whose present government has legalised firecrackers and fireworks when more than 444 cities in China have banned it. Singapore banned it in 1972. It was banned in Malaysia too, until this present government legalised it.
Think about it, the Chinese invented gunpowder as a serendipitous product in the quest of finding an elixir for immortality (yes, humans are obsessed with living forever), and as a result of having discovered gunpowder, it gave rise to fireworks and firecrackers, but even then, China has banned fireworks and firecrackers in most cities now, knowing how much damage it does to humans and the environment. So if China can ban it, why do Chinese Malaysians still insist on lighting up? You tell me…I really don’t know why and it annoys me to the core.
And while appreciating cultural diversity is a good thing in our country of various races and many festivals, why oh why did the lighting of firecrackers and fireworks get included into other festivals as well? Why of all things, this one???
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