Mass sterilisation to control strays – from TheStar

The news:

An excerpt from the report:

The state authorities must partner with animal welfare and rescue groups to neuter street animals to control their population as well as to ensure they have sufficient food, said Dr Saravanakumar Supramaniam Pillai, a former senior deputy director of the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS).

“Otherwise there would be no solution to manage the increasing number of street animals or prevent remote incidents such as the one in Kunak from reoccurring,” said Dr Saravanakumar.

Neutering and releasing street animals and then managing them is known as the Trap-Neuter-Release-Manage (TNRM) method.

“Removing them from the area is of no use as it will create a vacuum and a new pack will move in and it will start all over again,” said Dr Saravanakumar who was part of the team which crafted the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) 2015.

Dr Saravanakumar had been critical of TNRM in the past but he has realised that it is the most efficient way of countering the explosion of street animals.

“The authorities must take full responsibility for TNRM by paying for a blanket sterilisation exercise,” he added.

Please take note of the part in bold. 

We have been appealing for ages, truly. CNRM (Care-Neuter-Return-Manage) is the way to go. It has to begin with C=Care because if you just T=Trap and R=Release, no one will continue managing the neutered animals and while they can no longer breed, they still have to hunt for food. This may result in them scavenging for food and causing displeasure to humans who aren’t sympathetic towards them.

So, it has to begin with C=Care and end with M=Manage. Someone has to continue managing the colony for the long term.

And the authorities have to agree not to catch neutered ear-notched animals, because if they don’t spare the ear-notched animals, then caregivers have been lamenting for ages (again) where their neutered animals are still caught and they have to raise money to bail them out of the pounds.

So, please.

And for those who disagree with ear-notching, please consider the fact that your animal may one day escape or is rehomed, the ear-notching can really spare the females from being opened up again.







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