Category: Medical
Dental health, for us and our animals
The other day, I chanced upon this amazing website and the dentist, Dr Ellie Phillips: She has been a dentist for 50 years now and her advice is nothing like what I’ve heard from the many dentists I’ve consulted all my life. So, if you are interested in dental health, do take some time…
Little Juno’s weight-gain project and Gerald’s “training”
I’m monitoring Juno’s weight every week and there’s been weight gain. Not as much as I’d like, but it’s on track. She tipped the scales sthis morning at 2.3kg. Maybe she’s just a small-sized cat. By my estimate, I think she should be coming to five months old now, but from her teeth, the vet…
Taking care of ourselves again
My dear friend, Agnes, reminded me of Dr William Li! He is ethnic Chinese, a world-renowned researcher and scientist in health and being ethnic Asian, I think his advice would be more suitable for us. Do check out his youtube videos, his websites and his write-up. Disclaimer: This is just a sharing. Please consult your…
The (hopefully!) last chapter of my bout with pneumonia
The moment of truth was this morning when I went for my follow-up chest X-ray and consultation with the specialist. The good doctor showed me the X-ray and he is very happy. I am 90% healed!! And that’s fast. Just a teeny weeny more on the left lung. Only a Ct scan can show if…
What is the 3rd leading cause of death in the US?
Allow me to take a departure from animal stories and talk about our health. Please listen to this: I can attest to this. It’s happened to me at least twice where the drugs made me far worse than I was. Luckily I did not die. The first was a certain specialist who told me I…
Food and vegetables are less nutritious than they used to be
Don’t we all already know this, but no harm being reminded of it again: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food” may not be sufficient anymore these days. My childhood dogs, Puffin and Remirth, only ate home-cooked meat and rice and almost never had to see the vet. They never ate kibble…
My post-pneumonia cough is gone!
This is an update on my post-pneumonia recovery. My post-pneumonia cough is gone!! It’s actually been gone for a few days now, but I was too occupied with the cats to write an update. The specialist said it would take “weeks and months” for the cough to go away, but it took less than 2…
Taking care of ourselves, for the sake of our pets
I was talking to a friend today and realise that there are loyal blog followers who are not my personal Facebook friends, or those who don’t live-and-breathe Facebook. I actually don’t either, but I have to paste our link on Facebook for the sake of those who live-and-breathe Facebook! I usually share health information on…
How obedient is Juno in taking meds?
Of all my decades of looking after animals, I have not come across one who is so, so obedient in taking her medicine as Juno. She waits as I pound her Pro-Fibre. Tabs would have run off to hide. Then, she dutifully licks it all up all by herself. It’s unbelievable. What a good, good…
A cat cure for my diarrhoea?
Disclaimer: This is only a sharing of what worked for me. Kindly consult your professional healthcare provider for expert advice. I have another story to share today. Remember the Augmentin-induced diarrhoea that I have to endure for the duration of the course of the antibiotics (7 days)? I have found out that there is no…
How old are you, Juno?
I was finally a bit settled yesterday, with the Augmentin-induced diarrhoea somewhat a little less and able to eat more food, so I ran errands and got more things in order. One of them was to contact Juno’s vet as I wasn’t there when Juno went for her third vaccination. The vet says Juno should…
Of cold Coca Cola, the poop tablet and huge sigh of relief!
This is another funny story related to my recovery process. It’s a long story, so it is only for those who are interested in it. On the last day of my hospitalisation, I developed diarrhoea. First I thought it was because I had overdosed on raw salads. Lately, at this age, I realised that my…
The long, long road to recovery begins…
Weight check – how much weight did I gain by sitting in the hospital room for 4 days straight? None!! Yay! Otherwise, my months of efforts to lose 7kg over 4 months would have gone to waste. At least I don’t have to start from scratch in this area. Now, begins the long, long road…
This morning’s breakfast
The wonders of Whatsapp, truly. This morning, while I was having my IV-infusion done, I was also texting new instructions for the cats’ feeding and supplementation. Here are some photos. Juno has regained her appetite after yesterday’s third vaccination! Husband says he wants try this combo for the Blondies to make them eat the Cubgrub.…
I am going home….TODAY!!
Early discharge!! CRP dropped to 38.2! The stars are aligned! Two more IV-infusions today and I am good to go! That should be at 7pm. To continue with oral Augmentin and oral Doxy. Specialist fully acknowledges my phobia of SJS. It was between Levofloxacin and Augmentin. Also, I’ve taken Augmentin before. Levofloxacin would be new…