Category: Rescue 2023

  • Luckily I sent Sakura (renamed Hiro) to the vet’s (severe flu)

    An update: Sakura has been renamed Hiro now.  I managed to drop Sakura at the vet’s while I was on my way to my dental surgery and collected her after that. Luckily I sent her. Sakura has severe flu and a lot of allergic cells. An X-ray was taken and it showed that her right…

  • Who might you be, little one? (Hiro’s arrival)

    An update: Sakura has been renamed Hiro.  I think Misty brought her kitten to our porch this morning. I was feeding Gerald and Misty when suddenly a tiny little tortie (and I mean, really tiny) popped out from under my car. I think she’s a tortie, but she could be just a black tabby. I…

  • Lucky’s 3rd day at his new forever home

    Lucky is adjusting well to his new “freedom” in his forever home at Survivor Shelter!

  • Lucky trots!

    Ref: Watch the last part of the video where Lucky trots around happily! This is probably the first time in his life, after 12 years of being confined to a small cage, that he has a chance to explore and gets to express “normal behaviour”. Lucky, happy boy!  

  • Lucky eats, drinks and walks in the sunshine!

    This is Lucky’s story: In short, Lucky was a family’s pet, but he was kept in a small cage for his entire 12 years of life with them, from a puppy until an elderly dog now. A rescuer persuaded the family to surrender Lucky to her, but she wanted to have Lucky put down. Ms…

  • The rescue of Lucky and the 5 freedoms of animal welfare

    We would like to share this experience from Ms Ong, founder of Survivor Shelter. Yesterday, Ms Ong took in an old dog, aged 12 years, named Lucky, who had previously belonged to a family. According to Ms Ong,  Lucky had been kept in a cage for his entire life by this family. As a puppy,…

  • “Banana leaf meal” for Samantha

    I gave Samantha time to explore and finally, she went upstairs into Riley’s room to try to escape through the windows. Luckily this window is Minnie-proof. That should translate as “escape-proof”, I hope. I offered a new kibble, Cindy’s Holistic Babycat and Mother. I bought it in preparation for Samantha and her babies. She didn’t…

  • Ladies and gentlemen, we present Samantha (Gerald helped)

    So, thanks to the ball of raffia string and Gerald, we’ve invited Samantha into the house and will coax her to stay until after delivery (anytime from 3rd Feb to 10th Feb) and after she is spayed. It wasn’t exactly a difficult operation. Gerald came in, Samantha came in and pull the raffia string tied…