Would you believe it, folks? I met Rani at Felix’s boarding place, and Rani (also a volunteer rescuer) said she has a kitten who looks very much like Felix, so can I get him adopted too?
I called Vics up and asked if the adopter would like to take this other kitten as well so that Felix would have a playmate. After a few phonecalls, the answer was a resounding YES!
So, today, Vics came over (the one in red in the photo), and took both Felix and Oscar (that’s my temporary name for Felix’s look-alike) to their new home.
Oscar is ever so playful. Initially, Felix (slightly bigger in size) wasn’t too happy with the younger un’s boisterous ways. But upon checking with Vics later, the two feline friends were already happily climbing all over the furniture and making themselves at home in their new home now.
Ahh…all well’s that ends well. Felix sure had a rough start: I picked him off the street, sickly and frightened. He spent the night at my house, then I had to board him because 6 of my cats protested (packed their bags and left home under jealous protest, but all have come home now). Then, a parvo-dog came in, and I had to shift Felix to his present boarding place. A fosterer who had earlier agreed to look after him, turned him down at the last minute too. I was really feeling so sorry for the poor little guy.
But everything’s ok now. Not only does Felix have a loving family with 6 (human) children to pamper him, he also has a feline playmate who looks like him!
Thanks, Vics – you are heaven-sent! They should make more people like you.
And while Vics and I were with Felix and Oscar, another story unfolded…read the next posting, please.
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