The Shih Tzu and the 10 puppies

Great news, folks!! The Shih Tzu has been adopted today, by one of the clients of Mayo Clinic. All the same, we want to say a big “thank you” to Lim Joo Gyee from Penang who wrote to offer to adopt the Shih Tzu when she moves into her new home.

And four of the puppies have been adopted as well, so that leaves five more to go.







One response to “The Shih Tzu and the 10 puppies”

  1. Anonymous

    Hi Kah Yein,

    If everyone put a little efforts, I believe many abandoned will be rejoice.

    I amaze and pay full respect on your efforts and hard work, and to all the 'silent' rescuers out there too, you guys are angels!


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