Whither “humanity”?

Alicia sent me this today:

This mummy cat and her four newborn kittens were abandoned outside our shop a few days ago. The saddest part of the story is that she was somebody’s pet. She is in good physical condition yet she was absolutely terrified! Her kittens were less than a week old as their eyes were all still sealed and their umbilical cords still attached.
She is now learning to trust again and started to eat a few days ago. My heart goes out to her. I’m sure if she didn’t have four newborn kittens relying on her, she would’ve just run straight back home.
When things like this happen, I wonder what goes through the minds of the person behind it. I wonder how I would cope if I were stranded in a strange place with my own three children. They are all over 2 years old and fairly independent, but still the thought of being removed from everything i know terrifies me. Poor mummy cat must feel it ten times worse for she cannot speak and communicate with us….
These kind of incidents, unfortunately, are not uncommon.  I know of people who take away newborn babies from their mother, and abandon them in a far-away place to die.  My first litter, Cow, Bunny and Pole, was such a case.  They were abandoned by the roadside, and they were only two days old.
The mildest word I can think of to describe people who do such things is “bully”.  These people are bullies just because they are bigger and stronger than the animals. 
But, what goes around, comes around.
It’s just a matter of time. 
It WILL come around.  Just wait and see…
It is often said that people only need ONE GOLDEN RULE to live a decent life on this planet:  Treat others as you would like to be treated. 
This rule applies to animals as well.






4 responses to “Whither “humanity”?”

  1. i just wonder what has happened to them that they cannot see what they are doing is cruel? did this person not recieve love? was he/she so broke they could not afford to keep them? were they able to look Erela (that's wht i have named the mum) in the eye when they left her?

    i honestly try not to think the worst of these people. but then i end up pitiying them for such poor lives that they cannot afford compassion.

  2. ManekiNeko

    Alicia and Kah Yein, I agree with both of you that dumping this cat with her newborn kittens is abominable, and yes, karmic law will deal with it sooner or later. The only good thing I can say about the person is that he or she at least dumped the cats in a spot where he suspected they might find a rescuer, rather than in a busy marketplace or along a roadside. **sigh** That's not saying much, I know, and I can only say over and over, a huge THANK YOU to both of you. I wish I had the means to rescue and foster as you both do. You have my deepest admiration and gratitude!

  3. Yes, Maneki, you're right about that. I have seen many being left on the roadside, separated from the mother. Some humans can be extremely cruel.

  4. feel like want to adopt 1 of the baby…

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