Three more factory dogs sterilised!

Here’s a report from Teresa Chian, our OKR representative:

Adam & family managed to capture & transport only 4 adult dogs to be spayed & neutered at our panel vet today. 1 escaped and the remaining clan are puppies that are too young to be sterilised. There are an estimated number of 30+ dogs living in his factory compound.

AnimalCare only need to partially sponsor this round of spay-neuter because Adam offered to contribute some money. Thank you Adam, Jean and the rest of his family & workers who had so much courage to stalk and capture these free-roaming dogs for a couple of days, knowing that they risk getting bitten.

This is JJ, a 4-5months old female puppy. She is Chocolate’s sister but look how different they turned out on the outside. Character wise, JJ is just as calm and sweet as her sister. No fuss from her at all. Such a contented dog.

This is “Nice”. Jean (Adam’s sister) named this female dog Nice because she is completely the opposite of that. All the workers in the factory fear this not-so-nice dog. Perhaps, Jean hope that this doggie will live up to her name one day.

Kitty is heavily pregnant (although you may not see it in this pic) and so, was not spayed. We hope she will have no problems delivering because she’s quite small-sized.

Ken is a charmer. Just look at how he smiles at you. There were 4 other dogs (brought in by other rescuers) in the clinic this morning so these dogs had to be lined up outside the clinic in their respective cages.
Thank you, Adam and family, for doing what is right!  We hope other factory owners will emulate your noble deed. 
Thanks for the efforts, Teresa. 






2 responses to “Three more factory dogs sterilised!”

  1. How are the sterilised dogs identified? Tattoos and/or micro?
    Some dog caregivers in Singapore tipped the dogs' ears, like for cats, as they are easily identifiable.

  2. Thanks for this and the earlier reminder. We'll have to get the ear tipped as well.

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