Keeping pets in apartments and condominiums

My friend, Amanda, wrote to me about this issue – of keeping pets in apartments and condominiums. 

Amanda lives in a rented condominium.  Her landlord (a Singaporean) allows her to and encourages her to keep a pet, but she is wary that neighbours might complain since it is against the condo policies. 

Here’s calling all condo dwellers to come forward and appeal against this no-pet policy.  I feel that if we do our part by educating the public to be responsible and considerate pet-owners, this rule can be changed.

For your information, the Prime Minister’s daughter is a vet and she loves animals. 

So, please do what you feel is right, but do it through the proper channel. 

Citizens for Pets in Condos, Inc.* educates the public on the health benefits of animal companionship and about responsible pet ownership in order to increase acceptance of companion animals in common interest ownership communities. We believe that association rules should concentrate on irresponsible pet owners, allowing a win-win situation for responsible animal guardians and animals who would otherwise be needlessly “euthanized”**.






3 responses to “Keeping pets in apartments and condominiums”

  1. YenLing

    I am still looking for condo/apartment which allow pets – to be specific – small dogs – Jack Russell.

    I cannot, will not and shall not leave my dog behind. I have a rescued Jack Russell and he is the most obedient boy ever. Barks only at unfamiliar noises. The first time when he was brought home, I thought he is mute and someone must have debarked him. It was only after he had regain back his confidence (perhaps) he begin to bark at cats at the back alley at specific time – which is dinner time. The cats line up in a row and wait for dinner.

    So anyone else reading this post, please let me know which apartment allows small dogs within the PJ vicinity or anywhere nearby PJ.

    Much appreciated. Thanks.

  2. Hi Yen Ling, don't wait. Start your own movement to promote it. If Suki could talk and hold banners, I'll bet she'll be at the forefront promoting it!
    Suki says "hi" to Jack! And hugs to you.

  3. YenLing

    I don't know how to start nor advocate. I think mayb it will work best if I am already living in an apartment and get the resident to join in. Some apartment I heard, the management is run by the resident association. Yes, pls do say hello to "Noti-Suki". When I think of her, I feel kinda embarrased "aiya, Y rescue kitty like this one, not appreciative at all", and the nickname pop into my head. – Noti-Suki. No pun intended.
    Jack – well, he takes the bed while I take the floor. O_o

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