Thank you very much!

We’d like to thank the following donors for their very kind and generous contributions to our fund:
Noreen Zainil
Yasmin Ismail
City Lim (from Ipoh)
An anonymous donor from Kinrara
Many thanks also to:
1.  City Lim, for coming down all the way from Ipoh, on motorbike (!) to collect the tshirts for the NASAM fund-raising fair in Ipoh.  This is truly a labour of love, and we are very touched by your kind gesture. 
2.  Li Ehui and her friends, from the Buddhist Society of the Multimedia University, for specially organising a 4-day promotional and educational campaign in their university, for AnimalCare.  Ehui and her friends will be promoting our cause, creating a database of fosterers and adopters for us (from amongst the university students) and taking orders for our tshirts.  We are deeply appreciative of these efforts.  The campaign will run from 9th Nov until 12th Nov, at MMU. 
Ahh….our hope lies in the young…and the young at heart! 






2 responses to “Thank you very much!”

  1. Helo,
    I'm Ada

    I have been suggested by nur_kasih (one of the forum-er) to ask some help from you..

    below is my post at petfinder forum.

    "this cat needs to undergo a surgery…

    delay treatment would caused death and her disease may infect other cat(s) and human too

    i've seek for vet advices and now she's in the vet keep.

    do please donate some because the it cost a lot for her treatment

    Help me to help her

    Even a little help may means a lot

    For further information, do please contact me.

    All the donation is only for this cat.

    Once, I have collected enough funds, the donation box may be closed.

    Please, please, please help me to help this poor kitten.

    For further information you may mail me at:"

    i've been searching for help for about one weeks around my colleague but none seems to help me.

    and i try another option which through the internet, via my blog, via ym and also via petfinder forum.

    and I am cannot afford for her surgery because i still have 3 kitten under medication with me…

    hope you may give some help or advise.

    thank you~

  2. Dear Rabiatul,
    Please write to me at with full details of your cat's illness and the expected cost for surgery.

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