The Three Musketeers’ saviours!

Would you believe it?  Just as I was rushing around and making phonecalls for Puppykins and the Three Musketeers, I received a phonecall from a Mr Wan from Bkt Jalil who offered to adopt (!!) the three kittens.  I couldn’t believe my ears. 

Mr Wan says he has looked after such young kittens before and he knows what to do.  Currently, he only has one cat, and would like to adopt more. 

Mr Wan is obviously an angel sent from heaven.

The arrangement last night was that I would take over the kittens this morning from Cathy, and foster them until…..(an angel comes along).

So I went to Cathy’s house, all prepared to take them, and hand them over to Mr Wan this afternoon.  Upon reaching Cathy’s, I happily announced that we have found an adopter to which Cathy said, “We have found one too!”

These Three Musketeers have two stars shining on them? 

(But don’t forget, the threesome had just lost their mother last night, so tragically, too….poor things.)

Apparently, according to Cathy, a fosterer has been located in Shah Alam (experienced in looking after such young kittens, and charges RM10 per day).  The man who knocked down the mother last night (who was looking after the whole littler, whose name cannot be revealed, ie. he-who-cannot-be-named) feels terrible that he is responsible for the mother’s demise, and has decided he must compensate by paying for this fosterer, and later, adopting the whole litter!

Now, this is what I call REAL responsibility, and I salute him for doing this.  How many people would have conveniently closed both eyes and walked away saying, “it was an accident….”

So, that’s the arrangement now.  The fosterer will take over tonight, and look after the musketeers until they are more independent.  Then, he-who-cannot-be-named will adopt them and give them a forever home!

I quickly called Mr Wan to thank him and tell him the kittens have already been adopted.  

I’d still like to record my thanks here to Mr Wan for coming forth (as a knight in shining armour) to adopt the kittens.  

So, the kittens are home with me now….

My daughter feeding Porthos while self-appointed bodyguard, Bobby, looks on.
Bobby checks to see if everything is done properly.
Athos and Porthos, after being fed.  They had very good appetite.
This is (we think) the alpha, Aramis.
What an interesting face…like a badger!
Bobby was, well…getting in the way.  I know you must check, Bobby, but…
We decided to lock Bobby in the cage since he was more of a hindrance than a help.  He was quite happy, conducting a very stringent check of the kitten’s box!
The three musketeers are sleeping soundly now, after their feed.  No poo from last night till now, although we physically stimulated their privates.  Maybe they are adjusting to the milk. 
Let’s hope all turns out well and the kittens. 
Seems like Cow has not noticed the kittens….we’ve kept them in a corner of the house.  shh…






2 responses to “The Three Musketeers’ saviours!”

  1. Thanks Cathy, Kah Yein and Terry for responding so fast and helping late last night (or rather, early this morning).

    The-man-who-cannot-be-named will be picking them up from Cathy tomorrow evening and bringing them to the lady in Shah Alam. He has not exactly agree to adopt ALL 3 of them, though he is thinking about it and we are praying he will! He does however, take full responsibilities to ensure their survival and make sure they grow up big and healthy 🙂

  2. He-who-cannot-be-named,
    Please adopt all three of them. Believe me, the more, the merrier.
    And I've already told Mr Wan you will adopt them. He was willing to adopt all of them too.
    Now, Mr Wan is looking at adopting Scarlett's kittens.
    So, he-who-cannot-be-named, please take all three…

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