Let’s be helpful rather than judgmental

I just wish to make a general comment here, or rather, a suggestion.  In the course of managing this blog and coordinating AnimalCare for the past half year, I have received tons of support from all of you, of which I am incredibly grateful. 

However, there are times when I receive a lot of you-should-haves and this-must-have-been-what-had-happened comments.  I try to see the positive side of all your comments and choose to learn from them, but I can’t help feeling that there is also a fair amount of hatred (not targetted at me, but perhaps at the writers’ own past bad experience) expressed in some.  And this same sentiment is transferred to the writers’ comment on what is happening in our work now. 

Perhaps it is good for us to sit back, reflect and ask if we are being helpful or judgmental, and most importantly, what is our intention of writing the comment.  Is it beneficial to the readers, does it serve to improve the situation we are in, or does it only incite hatred and other negative sentiments?  And if so, what good can hatred do to anyone, human or animal?

The other point I wish to make is that sometimes, all we know about is “one side of the story”, we will never quite know the BIG PICTURE unless we are directly involved in the situation.  Hence, is it fair for us to judge others so quickly, without having access to all the information? 

Let’s write and share what is beneficial, with the intention of helping someone in need. 






One response to “Let’s be helpful rather than judgmental”

  1. Anonymous

    i feel very sad after reading this.when i grow up,i will try my best to help the animals.i hope no one send animals to the shelter anymore

    12 yrs old little girl

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