So many of them need help

When I was buying the cage for Sean at my regular petfood shop in SS18, Amy (the proprietor) showed me three little puppies that had just been dumped on her (again!). 

Here are the three little puppies.  All three are female.
I know in the past, and quite often too, people would just dump puppies and kittens at Amy’s doorstep.  Amy says this “habit” intensifies during Chinese New Year.  Sad, isn’t it? 
Just then, I saw a little kitten coming through the back grille of her shop.  Oh no, it’s probably another dumped kitten, Amy said. 
The poor little kitten looked hungry and was mewing.
I did not want to miss this opportunity to feed this hungry kitten.  Life is all about maximising moments.  Moments are all we have.  Miss it, and it’s gone.  Miss this chance of feeding this hungry kitten, and it may go back out on the street, and goodness knows what would happen to it.
Seize the moment, and make full use of it to do all the good you can. 

So I quickly brought a can of food, opened it and Amy placed it near the kitten.  The kitten moved away, but not for long… 

He or she was definitely very, very hungry.
I offered our assistance should Amy need to send any of these animals to the vet for a check-up, or later, for spay-neuter, should she have to foster them.
Amy has helped many stray animals in the past.  Once, she even paid a hefty sum for the operation of a stray dog that had wandered near her shop.
One does not have to look far for the opportunity to perform good deeds.  Just look around you – helpless creatures abounds.
Lend a hand, lift a paw…   
I expect to pass through this world but once.  Any good thing, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow human being let me do it now.  Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. – Stephen Grellet






One response to “So many of them need help”

  1. Anonymous

    I agree with you totally, KY. Catch a newly dumped stray female the first moment you spot her (catch and keep her in a cage to ensure she is healthy enough and if not, care for her till she is) because you might never see her again or she might develop so much fear of people later that even going near her is near impossible and then she gets pregnant and it will be a terrible wait till her kittens are old enough and she is available for spaying without getting pregnant once again.

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