A lovely story for a Sunday morning

We had just sponsored the spaying of two mother-cats from Brickfields, and rescuers Agnes and Yuen Foon went to pick them up yesterday, and…

Here’s what Agnes wrote:

Today when Yuen Foon and I went to Mayo to collect the cats, Rani asked if the mother-cat (one of the 2 cats I sent there for spaying) still has milk. Why? Someone picked up a newly-born kitten from a drain and brought to the clinic, still with the umbilical cord. We pressed the mother’s nipples and found there’s still some milk. Baby is less than 3 days old. Rani had placed the baby with the mother-cat who straightaway assumed the role of a nursing mum, grooming and licking the baby’s bottom.

Just then Dr Khor walked past and Rani asked him if mum-cat can stayed on to nurse the baby. He readily said yes and asked to borrow mum till Monday or Tuesday. Why not? Mum-cat doesn’t need to rush home. Mum-cat has the chance to offer milk-dana (donation of milk!). I’ll check with Dr Khor on Tuesday morning.

Isn’t this lovely?  And I was told that even after being spayed, the mum-cat can still produce milk because milk production is controlled by the brain and not the reproductive system.  It is the suckling that will stimulate milk production, pretty much like humans, too! 
And since we are talking about nursing mums, I have a few other photos to share, from the talks I give, and I hope these will further make today an even more lovely and meaningful Sunday morning for you. 
Next posting, please…






One response to “A lovely story for a Sunday morning”

  1. Anonymous

    Beautiful, KY, absolutely beautiful … images like these give us hope and renewed strength to carry on … thank you so much for sharing them …

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