Ainey, Mandy, Terry, Trevor and I deliberated for hours on sms, on what the “best possible” option would be for Wendy, and believe me, it was extremely emotionally-draining and very difficult.
But the universe provided an answer by evening, and one of the volunteers who had been feeding Wendy stepped up and has now offered to foster Wendy. He said he had already developed a bond with Wendy after so many days of feeding her, and although he knows Wendy may not recover, he does not want Wendy be remain alone in the bathroom at the vet’s. He wants Wendy to see the blue skies and breathe some fresh air again.
So, we now have a fosterer for Wendy, and the fosterer will take Wendy home tomorrow, and see her through her days.
It is like when our human relatives are dying and the doctor says there is no hope, we bring them home so that they may live out their days in peace, surrounded by love and care.
I have also received an email accusing me of being inhumane and cruel by not having Wendy put down. The strangest thing is that the writer of this email has never been to see Wendy even once, yet she claims to be very fond of Wendy and she is insisting that I give the order to have Wendy put down. She even said Wendy would appreciate it very much if I give the order to have her euthanised.
How does she know?
I don’t know who this person is. Another armchair commentator, I suppose. Sigh, we have such people around, unfortunately. Instead of being helpful, they are opinionated, judgmental and presumptious.
For those who are bent on criticising us, please take your criticisms elsewhere. We are all very tired and drained because we have been keeping vigil on Wendy ever since she developed distemper. We are the ones looking after her, raising funds for her treatment (and all the other dogs and cats as well). We have been working very hard and we are all very tired, so if you do not have anything helpful to say, please….spare us your criticisms.
Humans give me problems, not the animals. But I am thankful that there are still many, many supportive humans in my life.
We thank Wendy’s fosterer for stepping up to provide a more comfortable place for Wendy. We are very grateful for his kindness.
4 responses to “The universe intervenes and provides an answer for Wendy”
Dear KahYein,
Please do not be disheartened by this person who accused you of being inhumane and cruel by not putting Wendy down.
On the contrary, you have done the most compassionate act by allowing Wendy the chance to recover.
Many dog owners or rescuers, under similar circumstances, would have put their dogs to sleep out of convenience (under the guise of compassion) but you choose to give Wendy the best medical and spiritual treatment you can find and keep her hope alive.
I know the past few weeks have been very tiring and draining for you and we wont know if Wendy is going to pull through. What is important is that you are still hopeful, and I share your prayers for a miracle from the Universe for Wendy.
You have shown an exemplary example to all animal lovers not to give up on their 4-legged friends when they are sick & out. For that you have my greatest admiration.
And to whoever this female critic is, I have this message for her – please pay a visit to Wendy or other sick animals. Look at them deeply in their eyes and see whether life is precious to them before you ever suggest euthanising animals again. If you cannot support the effort of rescuers like KahYein, please keep your demoralising criticisms to yourself.
Thank you.
Warmest regards,
For all we know your email sender may be one of the malicious people who went to visit Wendy and passed their bad vibes on to her with their demands of euthanasia.
The Universe will take care of the evil email writer.
I know you've been under a lot of strain worrying about Wendy and running around for the countless other cats, kittens, dogs and puppies.
Don't let that lousy arm chair commentator upset you any more. Waste of time to respond to people like that who can only criticise the work others have done while not having contributed anything themselves.
To Wendy's fosterer: I hope, against all the signs, that somehow, Wendy will recover. If it is not to be, thank you for giving her the love and comfort she deserves.
Please do not be disheartened by this person who accused you of being inhumane and cruel by not putting Wendy down.
On the contrary, you have done the most compassionate act by allowing Wendy the chance to recover.
Many dog owners or rescuers, under similar circumstances, would have put their dogs to sleep out of convenience (under the guise of compassion) but you choose to give Wendy the best medical and spiritual treatment you can find and keep her hope alive.
I know the past few weeks have been very tiring and draining for you and we wont know if Wendy is going to pull through. What is important is that you are still hopeful, and I share your prayers for a miracle from the Universe for Wendy.
You have shown an exemplary example to all animal lovers not to give up on their 4-legged friends when they are sick & out. For that you have my greatest admiration.
And to whoever this female critic is, I have this message for her – please pay a visit to Wendy or other sick animals. Look at them deeply in their eyes and see whether life is precious to them before you ever suggest euthanising animals again. If you cannot support the effort of rescuers like Kah Yein, please keep your demoralising criticisms to yourself.
Actually if you can just test if ANY animal resists or accepts death. Go to any animal at all in a threatening manner, and I can assure you that it will, sick or injured or not, will try to spring away (even bite and claw you in self defence).
Don't be a bully and cold blooded murderer …. just because you are bigger, stronger and can subdue the animal to jab the needle (or spray bullets into it, or club it to death, or plunge it into murky water to drown it) you can go around pretending to be an angel of mercy!