Updates on the OKR spayed-neutered dogs

Accordingly to Teresa, our volunteer from OKR who arranged for Ah Kuen’s factory dogs to be spayed-neutered, the three done (including the one with pyometra) are already up and running, or in Teresa’s own words, “Since they got back, they have been running around like nothing has happened. They even went to the other neighbours who feed them to “announce” that they are back. What a relief!”

I’m glad all are ok.  Once in a while, complications might develop after the procedure, but this is normally quite rare.  It is always better to confine the animals for at least a few days (or up to a week for females), but with strays, this may be quite hard as confinement would stress the animal and this has its disadvantages too. 

So, I suppose the best is to play it by ear, and still monitor from a distance.  We must always remember that spaying is total hysterectomy, and for humans, we’d be down and out for weeks!  Just goes to show how much tougher animals are compared to us. 






One response to “Updates on the OKR spayed-neutered dogs”

  1. Anonymous

    I read that many overseas vets performing TNR are trained on important new efficient techniques in surgery to optimise quick recovery geared towards fast release (males released after 24 hrs of observation and females after 4 days) of feral animals which suffer extreme stress during caging.

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