Twinkle and Jingle in their blessed new home

It is always such a blessing to be able to find good and loving adopters for the pets that we publicise for adoption. 

Here’s a write-up and lots of photos from Lin-Na who adopted Twinkle and Jingle last week.  Her brother and sis-in-law had given her a most pleasant little surprise…in a small box…

Totally a big surprise to see Twinkle & Jingle in a small box which i presumed was some documents that my sis-in-law brought back from office. Who on earth would expect that after 2 days texting with Ms Julie regarding Twinkle & Jingle, the next moment, there they are, right in front of my eyes, haha…, never felt better this day. Somehow, during the 1st few day, neither of us in the house could get close to Twinkle & Jingle coz we’re, however, still a stranger to them. Today, after a week+++ having them staying with us, they no longer hiding under the sofa anymore but running and chasing around the house. Nevertheless, they even climb up to anything they could reach on.

Last but not least… “the more the merrier”… My family became merrier ever since that day they came in to our house. Glad to have these two cute kittens joining our family…

Finally, no words can describe how’s the cat doing now, too many things to talk about, hopefully the pictures i sent over will give you some idea of Twinkle & Jingle’s life here now. Thank you very much for letting us to have Twinkle & Jingle. Send my regards to Mooney and tell her, ” your babies is doing fine here, don’t worry”, …

Hello there….this is my litter box.
This is our new bed.
We share the bed and it’s so nice and comfortable…
Yum, yum…food!
My paws taste pretty nice too…
We play with everything and anything!
Shh…tails are nice toys too.
Life is so good…
We are so blessed to have Lin-Na looking after us.
Heaven…we’re in heaven.






3 responses to “Twinkle and Jingle in their blessed new home”

  1. So lovely really!! Myanimalcare has witnessed the 1st day of birth of both Twinkle and Jingle
    till they were adopted at raya eve!
    Thumbs up to Lin Na,Bev and Mel.!

  2. Aw … heart melting ….

  3. YenLing

    so adorable! heaven indeed 🙂

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