Here’s an interesting observation and insightful sharing from Belinda Mosiun:
There was a topic on a local radio station today on methods to prevent mosquito bites, and this reminded me of the mentality of our local community. I wonder why is it that people here have a habit of trying to annihilate all living beings which is non-human? I really cannot understand this. For example, on the topic which the radio DJs raised this morning (It’s 98.8 by the way), I thought to myself that, as far as mosquitoes around the house are concerned, if people left their house lizards alone, instead of whacking them to death upon sight (I have a colleague who does this!) then it would really help in keeping mosquitoes at bay because lizards eat mosquitoes. Instead, such people kill the lizards then, use insect repellents to kill the mosquitoes, at the same time poisoning the environment, poisoning their own lungs and messing up nature’s food chain. Where is the sense in that??
Another example is the cat, why are people so hostile towards them? I have almost always lived with cats and as a result, I have never seen any cockroaches or rats around my home (I never have to use ANY toxic chemicals in my home.) Unsurprisingly, my departmental colleagues who all happen to dislike cats, lizards and most other non-human creatures etc, complain of cockroaches, mosquitoes etc in their homes. One of them even has to keep his room windows shut at all times because he claims that cockroaches will fly in. If people were to left cats alone to live peacefully around the community, we can reduce use of toxic insecticides and rat poison or to waste time going on rat hunts, which is cruel anyway.
My point is, if people in the local community are willing to live in harmony with other fellow creatures and start appreciating them, many of our self-inflicted problems would evaporate eventually. I hope you will share the moral of this story with your readers and hopefully they can pass it on. But of course, feel free to edit at your own discretion.
House lizards and cats are friends, not foe! (This goes for many other creatures, too.)
2 responses to “Of lizards and cats, cockroaches and mozzies!”
Well said Belinda, a food for thought.
"House lizards and cats are friends, not foe!"
Oh dear, but my cats and poor house lizards are not friends … my cats hunt them down and kill them … the other day, I noted a termite swarm in my house and no lizards to eat up the yummies …
As for the termites, I am using the safer, less toxic and more environmental friendly (but slower elimination action to wipe out the colony) Sentricon baits.
The more toxic Chlorpyrifos used in the barrier method has been banned overseas but still used in our country, continuing to poison our soil and water supply. I refuse to use that.