Twinkle and Jingle spayed

Do you remember Twinkle and Jingle?  The twins are the babies of Moonie, and Moonie was rescued by Julie Pek on a moonlit night, from the streets while she (Moonie) had just given birth to one baby.  The next day, another baby was born. 

Moonie, with Twinkle and Jingle and another boarder, Meow

Twinkle and Jingle were finally adopted by Beverly and her family, as a birthday present for Lina (the sister-in-law).

The night of the adoption, sometime around Hari Raya last year.

The twins, pampered like no other. 

Two days ago, it was time to have Twinkle and Jingle spayed, so Beverly brought them over to our panel vet for the procedure. 

But before that, a quick visit to Mum-Moonie and Other-Mum-JuliePek.

Moonie reuniting with her twins.


Lina with the twins
After the surgery, I was on constant hp and sms communication with Beverly.  Being a “first-time mum”, Beverly was extremely worried about the twins’ wellbeing and recovery.  That night itself, she said her entire family was practically in tears seeing the twins in pain and wondering why they were hostile to each other.  I told Beverly that spaying is like hysterectomy for human ladies, it IS a major operation and some pain is to be expected.  The twins were probably hostile to each other because they were in pain and hence, became defensive.  It’s an instinctive behaviour of animals, especially cats. 
Yesterday, Beverly and her husband even went to specially purchase ikan haruan to cook for the twins so that they would recover faster.  I told Beverly Hill’s Science AD would also help very much and they purchased that as well.
As of last night, Beverly reported that the twins were doing well.  Ah, I can heave a big relief now, because believe it or not, as many as we have done, I still worry over every single case and I would follow up until the animal has totally recovered. 
Twinkle and Jingle’s spaying is sponsored by us as it is our policy to encourage people to adopt rescued animals.  Beverly gave a donation back into our fund so that we can carry on helping more animals.  Thank you very much, Beverly!  It’s very thoughtful of you. 
Have a great life, Twinkle and Jingle!
This is definitely one happy successful CNRM story!!  






One response to “Twinkle and Jingle spayed”

  1. Devi Narayanan

    Hi moonie & babies, I hope and pray that all the strays would get similar life like yours, to be LOVED

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