Today was the first day of the new semester at my college and as always, there is much work to do. I was done for the day when I went to my car, hoping to get home to do more work.
But woe betide me, another car had blocked my car in such a way that it was absolutely impossible for me to even squeeze out as the space left was only that of half my Kelisa. And it wasn’t that there was no other place to park. There was, but she (I found out who it was – a student) just had to park right behind me.
So I alerted the guard, who checked the list and found out who she was. Attempts were made to locate her, and after almost half an hour, there she came, walking nonchalantly towards her car as though everyone had all the time in the world to wait for her to remove her car.
I told her off.
I am not very patient with humans who are not retarded but behave like one.
It does not take a university degree to know that one should not block another person’s car. What if the blocked driver has an emergency where time is of the essence? How selfish can some people be, I wondered.
As I drove home, I thought about the people who complain about cats who sleep on their cars, dogs who pee on their car tyres, and these people call the councils and the poor animals are captured and killed because they are considered “pests”.
Of course those of us who love animals argue and plead that the animals are innocent as they do not know any better about our human ways and cannot be expected to behave as we humans do. Honestly, do we expect a cat or dog to use the public toilet? Do we expect a cat to know that she is not supposed to sleep on top of Mr Wong’s brand new mercedes benz? Or a dog to know he’s not supposed to poo in front of Mr Lee’s house? How on earth would they know, right?
So, my question is this, if we expect dogs and cats to understand our human ways of living and when they don’t, the non-animal-lovers can call the council and have these poor animals captured and killed, what do we do with human pests?
These humans are:
1. Humans (therefore, we assume a wee bit more intelligent than the animals when it comes to the subject of “how to live in a human community”?)
2. Educated (we assume this because most of them do go to school and the one whom I encountered today is, believe it or not, a college student who has been through 11 years of school and I believe Moral Education is a compulsory subject, too, isn’t it?).
3. Have grown up in our cultural set-up and are aware of our human ways of living (which includes not blocking other people’s cars – don’t they teach us that at driving school? Or maybe they don’t coz they think we have enough common sense to know this already?).
What do we do with human pests who selfishly live life as though the whole earth belongs to them and only them alone?
P.S. Go watch the Rise of the Planet of the Apes!
And cheer the apes on!
What do we do with human pests?
10 responses to “What do we do with human pests?”
Maybe the Apes will catch these Human Pests, take them to labs and conduct medical experiments on them?
or to be nicer… they will be forced to become car park attendants for the rest of their lives? Will let u choose which one, Kah Yein. I know how it feels, because when I had a car, sometimes I got Human Pests blocking me too, just when I had something urgent to do. – kttan
I'm very tempted to choose the former, but in the name of compassion to all living beings, more so, the retarded ones, I will choose the latter! Please pray that no one will block me tomorrow, especially if we have sick animals coming to the vets.
I would like to flush them down the toilet bowl for sure!
I do not expect everyone to love animals the way we do but i do expect humans with a proper functioning brain to possess a decent basic level of compassion. It does not take a genius to understand the basic eco habitat & that every living being in this world has their role to play.
The concept is simple ~ R.E.S.P.E.C.T
Maybe it's the advent of technology, maybe it's the changing family values & culture, maybe it's the socioeconomic impact…we'll never know for sure why the narcissistic traits is so apparent in today's society.
I know the day will never come, the day when humans fall mercy to animals…maybe, just maybe :)…
It is prophesized thus: Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth (Beatitudes 5:5).
I hope that means the animals will rule one day.
It would the RISE of the Planet of the Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs and of course, the APES!
Haha just yesterday I was at a roadside parking lot and the SUV in front of me was parking on a 'disability lot'. You know, that type with a huge logo meant for disability driver. I'm pretty sure I checked all over the car and I saw no sticker whatsoever indicating that it's a disability driver. So… I took a photo with the car plate number + the huge disability logo on the floor (part of the logo wasn't covered) and shared on Facebook. 😀
I often cycle to work, as my workplace is quite near to my home. And honestly, car drivers are so inconsiderate. I always feel like yelling at the mom who 'triple-parked' on roadside so that she can conveniently watch her kids buying food across the road while I'm here risking my life as a cyclist. I always stare at them, but they always 'buat tak tau'. I know she cares about her kid but please la, don't 'triple-park'. It's taking so much space of the already narrow road and cyclists like me have nowhere to go!
I received the best answer EVER when I commented once that a non-disabled driver had parked at a bay meant for the disabled. The answer came from a janitor. She said, "Orang ni betul-betul cacat." (translated – now, this guy is REALLY retarded/disabled).
And she was ABSOLUTELY right.
Haha! Yes, my friend said the EXACT same thing when I posted the photo! And then they went sharing the photo (with the number plate) around. 😀
I also have half a mind to share the photo of how the car blocked me yesterday!
KY, this you can do: instruct the guards to do their duty and ensure all cars are parked properly. Enlist their coorperation to give special attention to your parking lot (is it fixed or free parking? mine is at my office, so it is easier for the guards). Tell the guards about the good animal welfare work you are doing and how time is very, very precious. Most of them do have a kind, sympathetic heart towards such things and they will go out of their way to watch out for you.
If it is outside your office and beyond control, manyak shushah la these inconsiderate people!
Good luck, dear!
I have had the same problem with residents living in the same block or next to mine. One man walked to me and scolded me so loud into my face for feeding the bunch of stray cats. In directly he was saying that i am 'brainless' for doing so. He even threaten to poison all my strays should i keep feeding them. He then reported me to the management. Another neighbour was complaining to me 'some stupid' neighbour has been feeding the cats & she expressed her opinion that all strays are ought to put to sleep for the safety of the residents.
It was this bunch of heartless people that drove me in buying a landed house. Unfortunately, i couldn't quite afford the landed houses in USJ, therefore i had to settle for less in Bukit Rimau. For the safety of the strays, we are moving to our new home soon and they will no longer having to live life being a stray. Once they are all vaccinated and neutered/spayed, i will re-home some of them if i could find them good and responsible owners. Else, i will just keep them all 🙂