Here’s another heart-warming reunion story:
Watch how Christian runs into his caregivers’ arms.
Absolutely priceless!!
Absolutely priceless!!
Wildlife conservation is a different ballgame altogether – it is acclimatizing the animal back to nature, where he belongs. There is no need for spay-neuter or “training” of any kind.
It is REALLY back to nature, where animals truly belong.
In my next life, I’d like to be that jungle-man who lives with the lions!
Yes, this man.
Small cats this life.
Big cats next life….
Small cats this life.
Big cats next life….
One response to “Reunion with Christian, the lion (guaranteed to make you smile)”
Everytime when I watch the reunion video, sure I will cry. Even the wild animal have the loving kindness greater than man. Animals don't lie, they don't have an evil heart to plan how to hurt you, you can always have the most genuine relantionship with the animals.