Urgent appeal for funds for Miracle, a kitten with diaphragmatic hernia (Marina Tham’s)

Updates at 10.30am, Monday, 26th Sept – The vet informed me that Miracle, the kitten passed away yesterday. 

I received an sms from Marina Tham on Friday night, at 8.30pm, about a hit-and-run kitten. She was not sure at that time how bad the condition was, but I advised her to bring the kitten to the vet hospital in PJ and informed her that she could apply to PetFinder.my’s medical fund as well as AnimalCare for subsidies, if need be. This, however, was not done, and the kitten was only sent to another vet on the next day.

According to Marina, the vet diagnosed the kitten with dehydration and hernia. It is possibly diaphragmatic hernia, and the cost of treatment is estimated to be between Rm500 and Rm1500.  Marina says she will foster the kitten upon discharge. 

Marina now appeals for funds for this kitten’s treatment.

Here is her story:

Dear Dr Chan,
Regards to my sms(s) to you about the little kitten who was a victim of a hit & run case 2 days ago near Pizza Hut Delivery (Subang Jaya)… this little kitten whom I named MIRACLE.
I was at PHD yesterday nite getting my son a pizza, knowing I can call them to delivery but GOD knows why I took my car keys and drove there to order a TAKE-AWAY. As I was getting near the entrance, I noticed a mama cat with 3 lovely kittens (est to be 6 weeks old). I went near and noticed 1 particular little orange tabby who were lying there but lifted its head and MEOWed at me. I look closely and saw he was hurt and I asked the Pizza Boys at the entrace what happened. They told me that the kitten met with an accident, was hit buy a bike and that irresponsible person just sped off! I immediately told them to get me a box that I can put kitty in. The boys told me to be careful as it is a fierce kitten and it hisses and wanting to scratch them when they wanted to put it in the box too before I came… I talked to it telling it I am going to help it and to please hang on there. Kitty was really well behaved.
I wanted to send it to a vet but due to being nite time, all around my area already closed for the day. I called an animal hospital pleading them to give the kitty medical attention while I apply for sponsorship for its fee and that I found the kitten on the streets and I do not have that amt of cash with me to admit the kitten as they insist they wanted at least RM320 to proceed with admission. I am as helpless as the kitten yesterday nite not being able to admit him immediately due to insufficient cash.
This morning as soon as my doggie’s vet opens, I called for assistance and the Dr was truly kindhearted enough to attend to the kitten without any admission fee knowing I will apply for sponsorship. I then named the kitten “MIRACLE” as to me it already was a miracle that this nice Dr offers his professional help willingly without looking at monetary gains first.
Baby “MIRACLE” needed all the miracle he could get as he was diagnosed with abdominal wall hernia and diaphragmatic hernia that needed surgical repair ASAP. Despite the bad condition that he is in now, baby MIRACLE still can lift its head when I go near him and MEOWed showing his fighting spirit. To me he truely deserve a 2nd chance to live.
Miracle is on drip now and is in dire straits for its surgical fund which the Vet has estimated to come to approx RM2,000+- including boarding. I hereby plead for help from Myanimalcare and any kind souls who wish to donate to this MIRACLE FUND. PLEASE HELP!
Please see attachment for photos of MIRACLE.






Marina is applying for a subsidy from our funds, but she is also starting her own Miracle Fund. If you’d like to help this kitten, kindly write to Marina for more details at marinatham05@yahoo.com.
As pledged, we will provide a subsidy for this kitten.  







2 responses to “Urgent appeal for funds for Miracle, a kitten with diaphragmatic hernia (Marina Tham’s)”

  1. Anonymous

    Thank You to Myanimalcare for highlighting Miracle's Plight…

    Marina Tham

  2. Anonymous

    sometime rules and regulations are what govern lives … well they do … but then on emergency hospital ??? But then they do that too to human in the US, I supposed we have to 'accept unwillingly' in Malaysia. These are the times I do not understand god, be that from any faiths.

    Money, money, money!

    I think Miracle has used up all his 9 lives! May his plight touches more hearts in Malaysia. May his plight educates more Malaysians in giving a little helping hand to all the strays! Most of all may his plight convinces Malaysian government officials sometime needs to be done urgently, not by going out and shoot the poor animals, but educating the populations to take responsibilities, parents to educate their children what kindness is towards animals, set up neutering programs …


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