Treating and looking after a sporo cat (a sharing from Fenton Yong)

Our library of sporo stories:

Fenton’s updated sharing with more details and photos:

Recently, we had a query on treating and looking after sporo cats. Here is a sharing from Fenton Yong (first published in August 2012):

The Cat Condition:
Sporo has spread to all over his body. His right front leg (paw) was the worst and the private vet even suggested to have it amputated (the surface flesh has already been consumed by this fungal and they are spreading fast). Left front leg has also sporo wound, both hind legs condition were also quite serious. His tail has quite a lot of wounds too (at least 45 to 50%), he is not neutered and his testicles look like going to fall off. Both the side below of his ears have also large sporo wounds. There were around 10 to 13 minor wounds around his body. Prior coming to my home, I was told that there was blood in his sneeze and which the private vet suggested that the sporo might have gone into his nasal system.
The cat is given Sporanox (by the vet). Upon researching, we also give him Liver52, Transfer Factor, Colloidal Silver, multivets and most importantly terbenafine (cream).
In our case here, the vet prescribed a dosage of 1/2 tablet of sporonox per day. To boost his immune system, he is fed two capsules of T-Factor daily (one each time). We also feed him colloidal silver and multivits as we noticed that he licked the cement floor.Someone I met in an online forum told me to open up the T-Factor capsule and sprinkle the power around the cat wounds. We also did this initially but we don’t think that it would work as his condition was very serious.
This is important:
Initially, we were looking to buy Potassium iodite (ki) but soon we learnt that this drug has been banned in Malaysia at least for commercial use. And so we opt to terbenafine (cream) which we apply to all his wounds, twice a day – he is put on a collar to prevent him from licking the cream. [There are two brands of terbenafine in the market, at least that of we are aware of – we are using the original brand Lamisil, costs RM27.50 a tube from Caring pharmacy]. We could notice that the wounds were showing signs of recovery in just less than two days. The wounds started to dry and those dead cells (skin/meat) were dropping off. Less than two weeks later, his tail has fully recovered, his testicles are back in shape, those minor wounds have all gone now, fur has started to grow on his front paw (which the vet recommend to have it amputated). He has stopped sneezing blood.
The day he first came to us, he had no energy at all, he just sat quitely at the corner of the cage but now he is so active that he wants to stay out of the cage all the time and cry to let him out. Luckily we quarantine him in an alternative bathroom (which we stopped using for this purpose) and let him roam around. We can’t say about what happens to those sporo sign in his system, the only way to make sure is to bring him to a vet for checkup. Note that not all external wounds are cured especially the front paw.
* On top of that, we also fed him with Great Compassionate Water (obtained from a Buddhist prayer ceremony). The same person from the forum told me that with the Right, MED, PATIENCE, CARING and LOVE, the cat will definitely recover.
That’s it. We nursed Wong Wong (that’s his name) and he recovered in just one month. He’s back with his owner now.

Please note that this is a sharing from our reader upon my request as I believe that some of these “barefoot experiential knowledge” may prove to be helpful for those of us who wish to opt for complementary or holistic treatment. If your cat has similar symptoms, kindly consult a veterinarian for professional advice.

Latest updates from Fenton in April 2013: Wong Wong is doing well and weighs 10kg now!

From: Fenton Yong
Date: Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: any photos?
To: Chan Kah Yein <>

Wong Wong belonged to my relative. He was sent back after spending about one month with us (about 99% cure). His owner couldn’t hardly sleep everynight, thinking of him!? Wong Wong is spending his leisure time at his home in Johore 🙂
It was a sad case as Wong Wong was suspected of getting infected with sporo from a vet that his owner had brought him to.
I will try to get his latest photos. Wong Wong weighs 10kg now! He is well.







19 responses to “Treating and looking after a sporo cat (a sharing from Fenton Yong)”

  1. Mahadzir A B

    Dear Mr. Yong,
    Thank you for the advise.
    I will definitely will try your methods for my cat.
    Is it possible to email me the pic of Lamisil, as it was not prescribe by vet.
    My vet only suggested a pill which cost RM6 for daily dosage but no cream for the wound.


    1. chankahyein

      Dear En Mahadzir, I have forwarded your request to Mr Fenton Yong by email. I hope he responds soon. As far as we know, Sporonox is the recommended medication for Sporotrichosis.

  2. Mahadzir A B

    Dear Dr Chan,
    Thank you for your prompt reply. I’ve received the reply from Mr. Yong and will definitely get the Lamisil today.

    Both of you have been a great help and I hope the treatment will work on him.


  3. Caca Harahap

    Dear Dr Chan,

    Where can I buy the Sporanox because my cat have been suspected to have Sporo but it is not comfirm yet. Right now my Vet only provide me with antibiotic and iodin to clean his wound. I’m thinking to use Mr Fenton method on my cat.


    1. chankahyein

      It can be purchased at any pharmacy or some vets who carry it. Please write to me at and I’ll connect you with people who can help you out.

  4. kelly

    Find this posting very helpful. where can i get the T-Factor and Liv52 supplement normally ? The vet had already prescribe Sporanox , antibiotic n Vit B complex for a stray tom cat (tc) that is in serious conditions. Serious as in , blood is dripping from the nose and both cheek n head have open wound of around 20 cents.Not to mention elbow and leg / paws too . The vet described tc as non-cooperative behavior , hard to handle and ask me to be careful. Suggested to buy a long chopstick to feed for food and apply the iodin , put on rubber glove ( extra length ) almost until my elbow and put tc inside a cage to limit movement so that tc got no way to run when i apply medication to the wounds. This long chopstick really help especially for a faint heart person like me or anyone out there for this piece of idea. Thank you.

    1. chankahyein

      Liv52 is from Himalaya – available at pharmacies. Transfer Factor is from their agents. Maslinda has a contact. Please write to me at and I will give you the contact.

  5. effa

    Dear Dr Chan,
    May I know the specific name for Transfer Factor that you use? As I know, Transfer Factor have many type or name. What the best choice should I use? Thank you.

    1. chankahyein

      I really don’t know, Effa. This sharing was written by Fenton Wong. Perhaps you could write to him to ask? Pls write to me at and I will give you his email address.

  6. Aina

    Dear Dr Chan,

    Our cat has diagnosed with Sporo just now. The vet advised us to let him go. We are so worried. We don’t know from where to start and what need to do. We don’t want to give up.

    1. chankahyein

      Dear Aina, I am treating my own sporo-cat too, Tiger. He is into his 47th Day now and is recovering. The sores are all almost gone. The first vet I consulted said being FIV+, his prognosis is not good, but I pursued with treatment and he is getting better now. Please do a wordsearch “Tiger sporo” on this blog and read the daily updates. I hope it will give your encouragement to treat your cat too.
      I used Sporonox (original, priced at RM7.50 per cap), RetroMAD1 (only if FIV+) and the other supplements are Vetri DMG, Omega-7, Transfer Factor and Biopure (Himalaya). Please write to me for more information. Please do not give up. Do a wordsearch of “Merdeka” and see how well she has recovered. My email is

  7. Marissa


    Thank you for sharing this post. It is very helpful as there isn’t much we can get on the internet about sporo cats (home) treatment. Regarding the colloidal silver, where can we get that in Malaysia and do we mix it with water for the cat to drink or do we use it externally? As for the T-factor, can human T-factor plus supplement be used for cats?


  8. ikmal

    hi… i wanted to ask something. All the medications you mentioned above, do you gave them to the cat all at the same time? I’m afraid that it would be risky if i were to give all of them to my cats whose have sporo.

    1. chankahyein

      Hi Ikmal, I don’t know about Fenton’s cat (would have to ask him), but here’s what I did for my cat: Best to seek a vet’s advice as all these are just sharings.

  9. ikmal

    hi again.. thanks for the sharings… I went to the vet and what they said was there are no other option besides ‘sleeping’ down the cats.. But I would never give up to cure my cats.

    1. chankahyein

      Dear Ikmal, Please click on the link I sent you and take a look at the many cases we’ve encountered.

  10. Jim

    Dear Dr Chan,

    Till today, is about 2 months, I’m giving a sporo infected stray cat sporanox per cap per day. She is healing, and now the wound only about 10 cents size. The question is, when the wound recovered, do I still need to continue feeding her sporanox? And if yes, for how long?

    Thanks and have a nice day.

    1. chankahyein

      Dear Jim, According to vets, continue giving Sporanox for another 30 days post-healing. There’s more information here: Hope this helps.

      1. Jim

        Dear Dr Chan,

        Unexpected you reply so so soon. Thank you so much for the information coz I forgot to ask the vet when I send her there. Sporo is really a tough fight, but I’m so happy while seeing her wound recovering from ping pong ball size to 10 cents size. After reading tiger day 54, I think I shall give her half cap per day now.

        Thanks for your reply and your wonderful website. Have a nice day.

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