Of humans, dogs, being “humane” and humanity

A reader sent me this: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=573751349303438

It brings to mind a few years ago when I first started AnimalCare and at that time, I was sourcing for funds to roll out our neutering sponsorship project. An organisation I know had a “Humanitarian Fund” and I was informed that we did not qualify to receive funds because a “humanitarian fund” is only meant for helping “humans”. Of course we all know that’s not what the word “humanitarian” means, but never mind, we respected their decision and thereafter raised our own funds.

The word humanitarian is derived from the word “humane”, not “human”. To be humane means “to have or show mercy, benevolence and compassion”. I guess neologists thought humans are naturally humane, hence they added an “e” to the word “human” and produced the word “humane”?

Now, let’s watch that youtube up there again, shall we?






One response to “Of humans, dogs, being “humane” and humanity”

  1. cindy

    About a year ago when I watch the ‘human’ tragedy, I was appalled.

    Today I watch the ‘dog’ tragedy, and then the ‘human’ tragedy, I was shamed.

    The compassion the 2nd dog has for his/her mate tells so much of what an animal is capable of.


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