A case of using an RIP-cat to solicit donations

We subsidised the treatment of Tuah in November 2012: http://animalcare.my/2012/11/29/medical-and-neutering-subsidy-for-rescued-cat-in-melaka-nora-faswanti-bt-ibrahims/

Nora Faswanti informed us today, through email, that a certain organisation is using Tuah’s photograph to solicit donations, but Tuah has already passed away on 31st May this year. We have advised Nora to inform the said organisation of Tuah’s demise. Let’s hope it is just a case of miscommunication and lack of information on the part of the said organisation.

For a photo of Tuah, please click on the link above.

From: qarni_naruto
Date: 2013/7/17
Subject: Re: Kucing terbiar yg cedera..
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Hai…ingat x psl kucing ni yg animalcare pernah bantu?kucing ni sy namakan Tuah…dia sihat bersama sy hinggalah Tuah mati diracun…masalah sekarang ada pihak menggunakan gambar tuah & mohon dana..sy betul2 marah sebab animalcare yg bantu bukan (name of organisation given)..pernah dengarkan?
Mereka paparkan pic kucing2 yg mempunyai tuan & tanpa kebenaran..cara mereka tidak betul kerana hanya satu gambar saja akan buat semua org kasihan & Trus beri bantuan kewangan..

Saya harap pihak animalcare beritahu agar sesape sedar yg hanya pihak animalcare yg bantu saya & jgn sesiapa guna pic Tuah utk minta dana agar tiada pihak yg memberi wang atas belas kasihan tanpa tahu Tuah dah tiada sejak 31 Mei lalu atas sebab diracun..

Kalau dulu x mahu tolong kucing2 sakit,kenape sekarang..bln puasa..bru mohon dana utk bantu kucing terbiar?sbb Pecinta kucing hatinya lembut & mudah tersentuh serta senang membantu..?

Saya mahu mereka x gunakan pic tanpa kebenaran.






4 responses to “A case of using an RIP-cat to solicit donations”

  1. Nora

    Thanks to animalcare..to all,be careful…

  2. melle

    Perhaps, photos could be watermarked to prevent misuse by other parties. It’s an extra step for those seeking for help/ donation appeal.

    1. chankahyein

      That is a good idea. Thanks!

  3. Amelia

    wah nowadays everyone so desperate. NGO also want to cheat ah!??

    i was caretaker of another NGO for children and i got this message from this fella asking for the paypal account login for that NGO. Gosh!!

    everyone has to be super vigilant nowadays. On street also not safe, online also not safe..

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