Urgent rescue and adoption: Puppies in Bandar Puchong Utama (Jaclyn Lim Chooi Li’s)

If you are able to help rescue and adopt these puppies, please contact Jaclyn directly. Thank you.

From: Jaclyn Lim <jaclyn.lim@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 2:34 AM
Subject: Pups In Need of Help.
To: chankahyein@gmail.com

Hi Dr Chan

These pups are at Pusat Bandar Puchong Utama. I had been feeding them since June 2013. During the fasting month, they were kept by a Myanmar boy who works at a chicken rice stall. I guess he kenot them indoor as he was afraid these pups may be harmed or captured by the authorities. There were ramadan stalls then.

They were found loitering again after the fasting month and I was shocked to see their skin had turned so bad and they were really skinny! I found out that the Myanmar boy cannot feed them anymore because his boss forbids him to do so. The boss wants these pups not to linger here anymore cos they smells.

In fact I thought one of them had died cos he was not moving at all. When I saw he was still breathing,  I quickly put the food near to him and he got up slowly to eat. He ate so fast like he was really starved!

To cut the story short, I am appealing if you could post my plea for anyone who can rescue and adopt them (keep them well so there will be people who can give them a home).

I wish I can but I can’t as I have 3 dogs at home and my housing area doesn’t allow dogs actually.

Please help to spread this out and if people want exact location, they can call me at 0123767603.

Oh yes, the mother dog had give birth to 7 more pups last few weeks! And I forgot to add that one of the owners of a tuition centre here really hates them. He had often scolded me for feeding them and once I caught him hitting them with a stick. I worry it is just a matter of time, he will call the authorities.

Please help! Thank you.








2 responses to “Urgent rescue and adoption: Puppies in Bandar Puchong Utama (Jaclyn Lim Chooi Li’s)”

  1. Dashan

    I might be intrested

  2. nishanth segar

    i am interested to adopt these poor puppies as i love dogs very much ….i have two dogs at home but am willing to take one more in .I am living in pusat bandar puchong in taman wawasan.

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