Where is Rosie?
Rosie was eating with everyone but the moment Mr Zurik came in, she fled into the house.
Daffodil accompanies her after she had finished her meal.
What a good mother she is.
Are these two friends now?
I am afraid of Mr Zurik. He’s a creepy guy…
I am friends with everyone…
I don’t really care. Just don’t disturb me, please.
Can we be friends, Mr Indy?
Poor Ginger was trying to be friends while Indy was stretching his paw out trying to scratch Ginger.
If you don’t want to be friends, it’s alright. I’ll just sit here…
When I left for work…
Rosie was at her flower pot already.
Daffodil outside her box.
And when I came back from work…
Rosie was still here!
(which is a relief)
And Daffodil here, inside the box.
Everyone was in the house, so that’s a relief. I wish they would just stay inside the house and not wander out, but how can you tell a cat that?
This evening, I went to look for Timmy at the wet market. It was all quiet there except for a few cats with collars (looked after by the market traders). I walked all around and went inside to the stalls too. Timmy wasn’t there.
I hope Timmy is safe, wherever he is.