Here’s Lil Bub again….with her positive vibes!

Chen shared this before:

But we love (and need!) positive vibes, don’t we?

So, here’s more from Chen:

Lil Bub’s official blog:

Lil Bub lil bub 1

Lil Bub the Cat was born with many deformities, one of which will always make her remain small like a kitten. She was overlooked at her foster home because she’s not a perfect kitten, but she was adopted at last and here she is living a good and famous life and is a mascot of good vibes, a strong advocate of neutering and raising funds for animal shelters and helping in the medical needs of stray animals.

She reminds me of Vixey, and now, of Heidi!


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Shake paws with me?






One response to “Here’s Lil Bub again….with her positive vibes!”

  1. Chen

    And the other thing I love about Bub is that she is the champion for cats with deformities. Watch the video here where Bub’s dude talks about adopting a special needs cat with Jackson Galaxy, a cat whisperer:

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